Source code for aepsych.acquisition.lookahead_utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.

# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Tuple

import torch
from botorch.acquisition.objective import PosteriorTransform
from gpytorch.models import GP
from gpytorch.utils.quadrature import GaussHermiteQuadrature1D
from torch.distributions import Normal

from .bvn import bvn_cdf

[docs]def posterior_at_xstar_xq( model: GP, Xstar: torch.Tensor, Xq: torch.Tensor, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Evaluate the posteriors of f at single point Xstar and set of points Xq. Args: model (GP): The model to evaluate. Xstar (torch.Tensor): (b x 1 x d) observation point. Xq (torch.Tensor): (b x m x d) reference points. posterior_transform (PosteriorTransform, optional): Optional transformation to apply to the posterior. Default: None. Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Tuple of the following: - Mu_s: (b x 1) mean at Xstar. - Sigma2_s: (b x 1) variance at Xstar. - Mu_q: (b x m) mean at Xq. - Sigma2_q: (b x m) variance at Xq. - Sigma_sq: (b x m) covariance between Xstar and each point in Xq. """ # Evaluate posterior and extract needed components Xq = Xext =, Xq), dim=-2) posterior = model.posterior(Xext, posterior_transform=posterior_transform) mu = posterior.mean[..., :, 0] Mu_s = mu[..., 0].unsqueeze(-1) Mu_q = mu[..., 1:] Cov = posterior.distribution.covariance_matrix Sigma2_s = Cov[..., 0, 0].unsqueeze(-1) Sigma2_q = torch.diagonal(Cov[..., 1:, 1:], dim1=-1, dim2=-2) Sigma_sq = Cov[..., 0, 1:] return Mu_s, Sigma2_s, Mu_q, Sigma2_q, Sigma_sq
[docs]def lookahead_levelset_at_xstar( model: GP, Xstar: torch.Tensor, Xq: torch.Tensor, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, eps: float = 1e-8, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Evaluate the look-ahead level-set posterior at Xq given observation at xstar. Args: model (GP): The model to evaluate. Xstar (torch.Tensor): (b x 1 x d) observation point. Xq (torch.Tensor): (b x m x d) reference points. posterior_transform (PosteriorTransform, optional): Optional transformation to apply to the posterior. Default: None. eps (float): Small value to avoid division by zero. Default: 1e-8. Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Tuple of the following: Px: (b x m) Level-set posterior at Xq, before observation at xstar. P1: (b x m) Level-set posterior at Xq, given observation of 1 at xstar. P0: (b x m) Level-set posterior at Xq, given observation of 0 at xstar. py1: (b x 1) Probability of observing 1 at xstar. """ Mu_s, Sigma2_s, Mu_q, Sigma2_q, Sigma_sq = posterior_at_xstar_xq( model=model, Xstar=Xstar, Xq=Xq, posterior_transform=posterior_transform ) try: gamma = kwargs.get("gamma") except KeyError: raise RuntimeError("lookahead_levelset_at_xtar requires passing gamma!") # Compute look-ahead components Norm = torch.distributions.Normal(0, 1) Sigma_q = torch.sqrt(Sigma2_q) b_q = (gamma - Mu_q) / (Sigma_q + eps) Phi_bq = Norm.cdf(b_q) denom = torch.sqrt(1 + Sigma2_s) a_s = Mu_s / denom Phi_as = Norm.cdf(a_s) Z_rho = -Sigma_sq / (Sigma_q * denom + eps) Z_qs = bvn_cdf(a_s, b_q, Z_rho) Px = Phi_bq py1 = Phi_as P1 = Z_qs / (py1 + eps) P0 = (Phi_bq - Z_qs) / (1 - py1 + eps) return Px, P1, P0, py1
[docs]def lookahead_p_at_xstar( model: GP, Xstar: torch.Tensor, Xq: torch.Tensor, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any], ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ Evaluate the look-ahead response probability posterior at Xq given observation at xstar. Uses the approximation given in expr. 9 in: Zhao, Guang, et al. "Efficient active learning for Gaussian process classification by error reduction." Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 34 (2021): 9734-9746. Args: model (GP): The model to evaluate. Xstar (torch.Tensor): (b x 1 x d) observation point. Xq (torch.Tensor): (b x m x d) reference points. posterior_transform (PosteriorTransform, optional): Optional transformation to apply to the posterior. Default: None. kwargs: ignored (here for compatibility with other kinds of lookahead) Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Tuple of the following: - Px: (b x m) Response posterior at Xq, before observation at xstar. - P1: (b x m) Response posterior at Xq, given observation of 1 at xstar. - P0: (b x m) Response posterior at Xq, given observation of 0 at xstar. - py1: (b x 1) Probability of observing 1 at xstar. """ Mu_s, Sigma2_s, Mu_q, Sigma2_q, Sigma_sq = posterior_at_xstar_xq( model=model, Xstar=Xstar, Xq=Xq, posterior_transform=posterior_transform ) probit = Normal(0, 1).cdf def lookahead_inner(f_q: Normal) -> torch.Tensor: mu_tilde_star = Mu_s + (f_q - Mu_q) * Sigma_sq / Sigma2_q sigma_tilde_star = Sigma2_s - (Sigma_sq**2) / Sigma2_q return probit(mu_tilde_star / torch.sqrt(sigma_tilde_star + 1)) * probit(f_q) pstar_marginal_1 = probit(Mu_s / torch.sqrt(1 + Sigma2_s)) pstar_marginal_0 = 1 - pstar_marginal_1 pq_marginal_1 = probit(Mu_q / torch.sqrt(1 + Sigma2_q)) quad = GaussHermiteQuadrature1D().to(Mu_q) fq_mvn = Normal(Mu_q, torch.sqrt(Sigma2_q)) joint_ystar1_yq1 = quad(lookahead_inner, fq_mvn) joint_ystar0_yq1 = pq_marginal_1 - joint_ystar1_yq1 # now we need from the joint to the marginal on xq lookahead_pq1 = joint_ystar1_yq1 / pstar_marginal_1 lookahead_pq0 = joint_ystar0_yq1 / pstar_marginal_0 return pq_marginal_1, lookahead_pq1, lookahead_pq0, pstar_marginal_1
[docs]def approximate_lookahead_levelset_at_xstar( model: GP, Xstar: torch.Tensor, Xq: torch.Tensor, gamma: float, posterior_transform: Optional[PosteriorTransform] = None, ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """ The look-ahead posterior approximation of Lyu et al. Args: model (GP): The model to evaluate. Xstar (torch.Tensor): (b x 1 x d) observation point. Xq (torch.Tensor): (b x m x d) reference points. gamma (float): The threshold value. posterior_transform (PosteriorTransform, optional): Optional transformation to apply to the posterior. Default: None. Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Tuple of the following: - Px: (b x m) Level-set posterior at Xq, before observation at xstar. - P1: (b x m) Level-set posterior at Xq, given observation of 1 at xstar. - P0: (b x m) Level-set posterior at Xq, given observation of 0 at xstar. - py1: (b x 1) Probability of observing 1 at xstar. """ Mu_s, Sigma2_s, Mu_q, Sigma2_q, Sigma_sq = posterior_at_xstar_xq( model=model, Xstar=Xstar, Xq=Xq, posterior_transform=posterior_transform ) Norm = torch.distributions.Normal(0, 1) Mu_s_pdf = torch.exp(Norm.log_prob(Mu_s)) Mu_s_cdf = Norm.cdf(Mu_s) # Formulae from the supplement of the paper (Result 2) vnp1_p = Mu_s_pdf**2 / Mu_s_cdf**2 + Mu_s * Mu_s_pdf / Mu_s_cdf # (C.4) p_p = Norm.cdf(Mu_s / torch.sqrt(1 + Sigma2_s)) # (C.5) vnp1_n = Mu_s_pdf**2 / (1 - Mu_s_cdf) ** 2 - Mu_s * Mu_s_pdf / ( 1 - Mu_s_cdf ) # (C.6) p_n = 1 - p_p # (C.7) vtild = vnp1_p * p_p + vnp1_n * p_n Sigma2_q_np1 = Sigma2_q - Sigma_sq**2 / ((1 / vtild) + Sigma2_s) # (C.8) Px = Norm.cdf((gamma - Mu_q) / torch.sqrt(Sigma2_q)) P1 = Norm.cdf((gamma - Mu_q) / torch.sqrt(Sigma2_q_np1)) P0 = P1 # Same because we ignore value of y in this approximation py1 = 0.5 * torch.ones(*Px.shape[:-1], 1) # Value doesn't matter because P1 = P0 return Px, P1, P0, py1