#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
import numpy as np
import torch
from aepsych.models.model_protocol import ModelProtocol
from aepsych.models.utils import p_below_threshold
from aepsych.strategy import SequentialStrategy
from aepsych.utils import make_scaled_sobol
from scipy.stats import bernoulli
[docs]class Problem:
"""Wrapper for a problem or test function. Subclass from this
and override f() to define your test function.
n_eval_points = 1000
def eval_grid(self) -> torch.Tensor:
return make_scaled_sobol(lb=self.lb, ub=self.ub, size=self.n_eval_points)
def name(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def f(self, x):
raise NotImplementedError
def lb(self):
return self.bounds[0]
def ub(self):
return self.bounds[1]
def bounds(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def metadata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""A dictionary of metadata passed to the Benchmark to be logged. Each key will become a column in the
Benchmark's output dataframe, with its associated value stored in each row."""
return {"name": self.name}
[docs] def p(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor:
Evaluate response probability from test function.
x (torch.Tensor): Points at which to evaluate.
torch.Tensor: Response probability at queried points.
normal_dist = torch.distributions.Normal(0, 1) # Standard normal distribution
return normal_dist.cdf(self.f(x)) # Use PyTorch's CDF equivalent
[docs] def sample_y(
self, x: torch.Tensor
) -> np.ndarray: # TODO: This can be done with torch.bernoulli(self.p(x)), but Strategy.add_data() expects a numpy array for now
"""Sample a response from test function.
x (torch.Tensor): Points at which to sample.
np.ndarray: A single (bernoulli) sample at points.
return bernoulli.rvs(self.p(x))
[docs] def f_hat(self, model: ModelProtocol) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Generate mean predictions from the model over the evaluation grid.
model (TensoModelProtocolr): Model to evaluate.
torch.Tensor: Posterior mean from underlying model over the evaluation grid.
f_hat, _ = model.predict(self.eval_grid)
return f_hat
def f_true(self) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Evaluate true test function over evaluation grid.
torch.Tensor: Values of true test function over evaluation grid.
return self.f(self.eval_grid)
def p_true(self) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Evaluate true response probability over evaluation grid.
torch.Tensor: Values of true response probability over evaluation grid.
normal_dist = torch.distributions.Normal(0, 1)
return normal_dist.cdf(self.f_true)
[docs] def p_hat(self, model: ModelProtocol) -> torch.Tensor:
"""Generate mean predictions from the model over the evaluation grid.
model (TensoModelProtocolr): Model to evaluate.
torch.Tensor: Posterior mean from underlying model over the evaluation grid.
p_hat, _ = model.predict(self.eval_grid, probability_space=True)
return p_hat
[docs] def evaluate(
strat: SequentialStrategy,
) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Evaluate the strategy with respect to this problem.
Extend this in subclasses to add additional metrics.
Metrics include:
- mae (mean absolute error), mae (mean absolute error), max_abs_err (max absolute error),
pearson correlation. All of these are computed over the latent variable f and the
outcome probability p, w.r.t. the posterior mean. Squared and absolute errors (miae, mise) are
also computed in expectation over the posterior, by sampling.
- Brier score, which measures how well-calibrated the outcome probability is, both at the posterior
mean (plain brier) and in expectation over the posterior (expected_brier).
strat (Strategy): Strategy to evaluate.
Dict[str, float]: A dictionary containing metrics and their values.
# we just use model here but eval gets called on strat in case we need it in downstream evals
# for example to separate out sobol vs opt trials
model = strat.model
assert model is not None, "Cannot evaluate strategy without a model!"
# always eval f
f_hat = self.f_hat(model)
p_hat = self.p_hat(model)
assert (
self.f_true.shape == f_hat.shape
), f"self.f_true.shape=={self.f_true.shape} != f_hat.shape=={f_hat.shape}"
mae_f = torch.mean(torch.abs(self.f_true - f_hat))
mse_f = torch.mean((self.f_true - f_hat) ** 2)
max_abs_err_f = torch.max(torch.abs(self.f_true - f_hat))
corr_f = torch.corrcoef(torch.stack((self.f_true.flatten(), f_hat.flatten())))[
0, 1
mae_p = torch.mean(torch.abs(self.p_true - p_hat))
mse_p = torch.mean((self.p_true - p_hat) ** 2)
max_abs_err_p = torch.max(torch.abs(self.p_true - p_hat))
corr_p = torch.corrcoef(torch.stack((self.p_true.flatten(), p_hat.flatten())))[
0, 1
brier = torch.mean(2 * torch.square(self.p_true - p_hat))
# eval in samp-based expectation over posterior instead of just mean
fsamps = model.sample(self.eval_grid, num_samples=1000)
psamps = (
model.sample(self.eval_grid, num_samples=1000, probability_space=True) # type: ignore
except (
): # vanilla models don't have proba_space samps, TODO maybe we should add them
normal_dist = torch.distributions.Normal(
0, 1
) # Standard normal distribution
psamps = normal_dist.cdf(fsamps)
ferrs = fsamps - self.f_true[None, :]
miae_f = torch.mean(torch.abs(ferrs))
mise_f = torch.mean(ferrs**2)
perrs = psamps - self.p_true[None, :]
miae_p = torch.mean(torch.abs(perrs))
mise_p = torch.mean(perrs**2)
expected_brier = torch.mean((2 * torch.square(self.p_true[None, :] - psamps)))
metrics = {
"mean_abs_err_f": mae_f.item(),
"mean_integrated_abs_err_f": miae_f.item(),
"mean_square_err_f": mse_f.item(),
"mean_integrated_square_err_f": mise_f.item(),
"max_abs_err_f": max_abs_err_f.item(),
"pearson_corr_f": corr_f.item(),
"mean_abs_err_p": mae_p.item(),
"mean_integrated_abs_err_p": miae_p.item(),
"mean_square_err_p": mse_p.item(),
"mean_integrated_square_err_p": mise_p.item(),
"max_abs_err_p": max_abs_err_p.item(),
"pearson_corr_p": corr_p.item(),
"brier": brier.item(),
"expected_brier": expected_brier.item(),
return metrics
[docs]class LSEProblem(Problem):
"""Level set estimation problem.
This extends the base problem class to evaluate the LSE/threshold estimate
in addition to the function estimate.
def __init__(self, thresholds: Union[float, List, torch.Tensor]) -> None:
thresholds = [thresholds] if isinstance(thresholds, float) else thresholds
self.thresholds = torch.tensor(thresholds)
def metadata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""A dictionary of metadata passed to the Benchmark to be logged. Each key will become a column in the
Benchmark's output dataframe, with its associated value stored in each row."""
md = super().metadata
md["thresholds"] = (
if len(self.thresholds) > 1
else self.thresholds.item()
return md
[docs] def f_threshold(self, model=None) -> torch.Tensor:
inverse_torch = model.likelihood.objective.inverse
def inverse_link(x):
return inverse_torch(x)
except AttributeError:
def inverse_link(x):
normal_dist = torch.distributions.Normal(0, 1)
return normal_dist.icdf(x)
return inverse_link(self.thresholds).float() # Return as float32 tensor
def true_below_threshold(self) -> torch.Tensor:
Evaluate whether the true function is below threshold over the eval grid
(used for proper scoring and threshold missclassification metric).
return (
self.p(self.eval_grid).reshape(1, -1) <= self.thresholds.reshape(-1, 1)
[docs] def evaluate(self, strat: SequentialStrategy) -> Dict[str, float]:
"""Evaluate the model with respect to this problem.
For level set estimation, we add metrics w.r.t. the true threshold:
- brier_p_below_{thresh), the brier score w.r.t. p(f(x)<thresh), in contrast to
regular brier, which is the brier score for p(phi(f(x))=1), and the same
for misclassification error.
strat (Strategy): Strategy to evaluate.
Dict[str, float]: A dictionary containing metrics and their values,
including parent class metrics.
metrics = super().evaluate(strat)
# we just use model here but eval gets called on strat in case we need it in downstream evals
# for example to separate out sobol vs opt trials
model = strat.model
assert model is not None, "Cannot make predictions without a model!"
# TODO bring back more threshold error metrics when we more clearly
# define what "threshold" means in high-dim.
# Brier score on level-set probabilities
p_l = p_below_threshold(model, self.eval_grid, self.f_threshold(model))
true_p_l = self.true_below_threshold
assert (
p_l.ndim == 2
and p_l.shape == true_p_l.shape
and p_l.shape[0] == len(self.thresholds)
# Now, perform the Brier score calculation and classification error in PyTorch
brier_p_below_thresh = torch.mean(2 * torch.square(true_p_l - p_l), dim=1)
# Classification error
misclass_on_thresh = torch.mean(
p_l * (1 - true_p_l) + (1 - p_l) * true_p_l, dim=1
for i_threshold, threshold in enumerate(self.thresholds):
metrics[f"brier_p_below_{threshold}"] = (
metrics[f"misclass_on_thresh_{threshold}"] = (
return metrics
The LSEProblemWithEdgeLogging class is copied from bernoulli_lse github repository
(https://github.com/facebookresearch/bernoulli_lse) by Letham et al. 2022.
[docs]class LSEProblemWithEdgeLogging(LSEProblem):
eps = 0.05
def __init__(self, thresholds: Union[float, List, torch.Tensor]) -> None:
[docs] def evaluate(self, strat: SequentialStrategy) -> Dict[str, float]:
metrics = super().evaluate(strat)
# add number of edge samples to the log
# get the trials selected by the final strat only
n_opt_trials = (
len(strat.strat_list[-1].x) if strat.strat_list[-1].x is not None else 0
lb, ub = strat.lb, strat.ub
r = ub - lb
lb2 = lb + self.eps * r
ub2 = ub - self.eps * r
assert isinstance(strat.x, torch.Tensor), "strat.x must be a tensor"
near_edge = (
(strat.x[-n_opt_trials:, :] <= lb2), (strat.x[-n_opt_trials:, :] >= ub2)
metrics["prop_edge_sampling_mean"] = near_edge.mean().item()
metrics["prop_edge_sampling_err"] = (
2 * near_edge.std() / torch.sqrt(torch.Tensor(len(near_edge)))
return metrics