Source code for aepsych.benchmark.problem

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.

# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from functools import cached_property
from typing import Any, Dict, Union, List

import aepsych
import numpy as np
import torch
from scipy.stats import bernoulli, norm, pearsonr
from aepsych.strategy import SequentialStrategy, Strategy
from aepsych.utils import make_scaled_sobol

[docs]class Problem: """Wrapper for a problem or test function. Subclass from this and override f() to define your test function. """ n_eval_points = 1000 @cached_property def eval_grid(self): return make_scaled_sobol(, ub=self.ub, size=self.n_eval_points) @property def name(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def f(self, x): raise NotImplementedError
@cached_property def lb(self): return self.bounds[0] @cached_property def ub(self): return self.bounds[1] @property def bounds(self): raise NotImplementedError @property def metadata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """A dictionary of metadata passed to the Benchmark to be logged. Each key will become a column in the Benchmark's output dataframe, with its associated value stored in each row.""" return {"name":}
[docs] def p(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate response probability from test function. Args: x (np.ndarray): Points at which to evaluate. Returns: np.ndarray: Response probability at queries points. """ return norm.cdf(self.f(x))
[docs] def sample_y(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Sample a response from test function. Args: x (np.ndarray): Points at which to sample. Returns: np.ndarray: A single (bernoulli) sample at points. """ return bernoulli.rvs(self.p(x))
[docs] def f_hat(self, model: aepsych.models.base.ModelProtocol) -> torch.Tensor: """Generate mean predictions from the model over the evaluation grid. Args: model (aepsych.models.base.ModelProtocol): Model to evaluate. Returns: torch.Tensor: Posterior mean from underlying model over the evaluation grid. """ f_hat, _ = model.predict(self.eval_grid) return f_hat
@cached_property def f_true(self) -> np.ndarray: """Evaluate true test function over evaluation grid. Returns: torch.Tensor: Values of true test function over evaluation grid. """ return self.f(self.eval_grid).detach().numpy() @cached_property def p_true(self) -> torch.Tensor: """Evaluate true response probability over evaluation grid. Returns: torch.Tensor: Values of true response probability over evaluation grid. """ return norm.cdf(self.f_true)
[docs] def p_hat(self, model: aepsych.models.base.ModelProtocol) -> torch.Tensor: """Generate mean predictions from the model over the evaluation grid. Args: model (aepsych.models.base.ModelProtocol): Model to evaluate. Returns: torch.Tensor: Posterior mean from underlying model over the evaluation grid. """ p_hat, _ = model.predict(self.eval_grid, probability_space=True) return p_hat
[docs] def evaluate( self, strat: Union[Strategy, SequentialStrategy], ) -> Dict[str, float]: """Evaluate the strategy with respect to this problem. Extend this in subclasses to add additional metrics. Metrics include: - mae (mean absolute error), mae (mean absolute error), max_abs_err (max absolute error), pearson correlation. All of these are computed over the latent variable f and the outcome probability p, w.r.t. the posterior mean. Squared and absolute errors (miae, mise) are also computed in expectation over the posterior, by sampling. - Brier score, which measures how well-calibrated the outcome probability is, both at the posterior mean (plain brier) and in expectation over the posterior (expected_brier). Args: strat (aepsych.strategy.Strategy): Strategy to evaluate. Returns: Dict[str, float]: A dictionary containing metrics and their values. """ # we just use model here but eval gets called on strat in case we need it in downstream evals # for example to separate out sobol vs opt trials model = strat.model assert model is not None, "Cannot evaluate strategy without a model!" # always eval f f_hat = self.f_hat(model).detach().numpy() p_hat = self.p_hat(model).detach().numpy() assert ( self.f_true.shape == f_hat.shape ), f"self.f_true.shape=={self.f_true.shape} != f_hat.shape=={f_hat.shape}" mae_f = np.mean(np.abs(self.f_true - f_hat)) mse_f = np.mean((self.f_true - f_hat) ** 2) max_abs_err_f = np.max(np.abs(self.f_true - f_hat)) corr_f = pearsonr(self.f_true.flatten(), f_hat.flatten())[0] mae_p = np.mean(np.abs(self.p_true - p_hat)) mse_p = np.mean((self.p_true - p_hat) ** 2) max_abs_err_p = np.max(np.abs(self.p_true - p_hat)) corr_p = pearsonr(self.p_true.flatten(), p_hat.flatten())[0] brier = np.mean(2 * np.square(self.p_true - p_hat)) # eval in samp-based expectation over posterior instead of just mean fsamps = model.sample(self.eval_grid, num_samples=1000).detach().numpy() try: psamps = ( model.sample(self.eval_grid, num_samples=1000, probability_space=True) # type: ignore .detach() .numpy() ) except ( TypeError ): # vanilla models don't have proba_space samps, TODO maybe we should add them psamps = norm.cdf(fsamps) ferrs = fsamps - self.f_true[None, :] miae_f = np.mean(np.abs(ferrs)) mise_f = np.mean(ferrs**2) perrs = psamps - self.p_true[None, :] miae_p = np.mean(np.abs(perrs)) mise_p = np.mean(perrs**2) expected_brier = (2 * np.square(self.p_true[None, :] - psamps)).mean() metrics = { "mean_abs_err_f": mae_f, "mean_integrated_abs_err_f": miae_f, "mean_square_err_f": mse_f, "mean_integrated_square_err_f": mise_f, "max_abs_err_f": max_abs_err_f, "pearson_corr_f": corr_f, "mean_abs_err_p": mae_p, "mean_integrated_abs_err_p": miae_p, "mean_square_err_p": mse_p, "mean_integrated_square_err_p": mise_p, "max_abs_err_p": max_abs_err_p, "pearson_corr_p": corr_p, "brier": brier, "expected_brier": expected_brier, } return metrics
[docs]class LSEProblem(Problem): """Level set estimation problem. This extends the base problem class to evaluate the LSE/threshold estimate in addition to the function estimate. """ def __init__(self, thresholds: Union[float, List]): super().__init__() thresholds = [thresholds] if isinstance(thresholds, float) else thresholds self.thresholds = np.array(thresholds) @property def metadata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """A dictionary of metadata passed to the Benchmark to be logged. Each key will become a column in the Benchmark's output dataframe, with its associated value stored in each row.""" md = super().metadata md["thresholds"] = ( self.thresholds.tolist() if len(self.thresholds) > 1 else self.thresholds.item() ) return md
[docs] def f_threshold(self, model=None): try: inverse_torch = model.likelihood.objective.inverse def inverse_link(x): return inverse_torch(torch.tensor(x)).numpy() except AttributeError: inverse_link = norm.ppf return inverse_link(self.thresholds).astype(np.float32)
@cached_property def true_below_threshold(self) -> np.ndarray: """ Evaluate whether the true function is below threshold over the eval grid (used for proper scoring and threshold missclassification metric). """ return ( self.p(self.eval_grid).reshape(1, -1) <= self.thresholds.reshape(-1, 1) ).astype(float)
[docs] def evaluate(self, strat: Union[Strategy, SequentialStrategy]) -> Dict[str, float]: """Evaluate the model with respect to this problem. For level set estimation, we add metrics w.r.t. the true threshold: - brier_p_below_{thresh), the brier score w.r.t. p(f(x)<thresh), in contrast to regular brier, which is the brier score for p(phi(f(x))=1), and the same for misclassification error. Args: strat (aepsych.strategy.Strategy): Strategy to evaluate. Returns: Dict[str, float]: A dictionary containing metrics and their values, including parent class metrics. """ metrics = super().evaluate(strat) # we just use model here but eval gets called on strat in case we need it in downstream evals # for example to separate out sobol vs opt trials model = strat.model assert model is not None, "Cannot make predictions without a model!" # TODO bring back more threshold error metrics when we more clearly # define what "threshold" means in high-dim. # Brier score on level-set probabilities p_l = model.p_below_threshold( self.eval_grid, self.f_threshold(model) ) true_p_l = self.true_below_threshold assert ( p_l.ndim == 2 and p_l.shape == true_p_l.shape and p_l.shape[0] == len(self.thresholds) ) # Predict p(below threshold) at test points brier_p_below_thresh = np.mean(2 * np.square(true_p_l - p_l), axis=1) # Classification error misclass_on_thresh = np.mean( p_l * (1 - true_p_l) + (1 - p_l) * true_p_l, axis=1 ) for i_threshold, threshold in enumerate(self.thresholds): metrics[f"brier_p_below_{threshold}"] = brier_p_below_thresh[i_threshold] metrics[f"misclass_on_thresh_{threshold}"] = misclass_on_thresh[i_threshold] return metrics
""" The LSEProblemWithEdgeLogging class is copied from bernoulli_lse github repository ( by Letham et al. 2022. """
[docs]class LSEProblemWithEdgeLogging(LSEProblem): eps = 0.05 def __init__(self, thresholds): super().__init__(thresholds)
[docs] def evaluate(self, strat): metrics = super().evaluate(strat) # add number of edge samples to the log # get the trials selected by the final strat only n_opt_trials = strat.strat_list[-1].n_trials lb, ub =, strat.ub r = ub - lb lb2 = lb + self.eps * r ub2 = ub - self.eps * r near_edge = ( np.logical_or( (strat.x[-n_opt_trials:, :] <= lb2), (strat.x[-n_opt_trials:, :] >= ub2) ) .any(axis=-1) .double() ) metrics["prop_edge_sampling_mean"] = near_edge.mean().item() metrics["prop_edge_sampling_err"] = ( 2 * near_edge.std() / np.sqrt(len(near_edge)) ).item() return metrics