Source code for aepsych.database.tables

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.

# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function, unicode_literals

import logging
import pickle
from import Iterable

from aepsych.config import Config
from aepsych.version import __version__
from sqlalchemy import (
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy.orm import relationship, sessionmaker

logger = logging.getLogger()

Base = declarative_base()

Original Schema
experiment_name VARCHAR(256),
experiment_description VARCHAR(2048),
experiment_id VARCHAR(10),
PRIMARY KEY (unique_id),
UNIQUE (experiment_id)
CREATE TABLE replay_data (
timestamp DATETIME,
message_type VARCHAR(64),
message_contents BLOB,
master_table_id INTEGER,
PRIMARY KEY (unique_id),
FOREIGN KEY(master_table_id) REFERENCES master (unique_id)

[docs]class DBMasterTable(Base): """ Master table to keep track of all experiments and unique keys associated with the experiment """ __tablename__ = "master" unique_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) experiment_name = Column(String(256)) experiment_description = Column(String(2048)) experiment_id = Column(String(10), unique=True) participant_id = Column(String(50), unique=True) extra_metadata = Column(String(4096)) # JSON-formatted metadata children_replay = relationship("DbReplayTable", back_populates="parent") children_strat = relationship("DbStratTable", back_populates="parent") children_config = relationship("DbConfigTable", back_populates="parent") children_raw = relationship("DbRawTable", back_populates="parent")
[docs] @classmethod def from_sqlite(cls, row): this = DBMasterTable() this.unique_id = row["unique_id"] this.experiment_name = row["experiment_name"] this.experiment_description = row["experiment_description"] this.experiment_id = row["experiment_id"] return this
def __repr__(self): return ( f"<DBMasterTable(unique_id={self.unique_id})" f", experiment_name={self.experiment_name}, " f"experiment_description={self.experiment_description}, " f"experiment_id={self.experiment_id})>" )
[docs] @staticmethod def update(engine):"DBMasterTable : update called") if not DBMasterTable._has_column(engine, "extra_metadata"): DBMasterTable._add_column(engine, "extra_metadata") if not DBMasterTable._has_column(engine, "participant_id"): DBMasterTable._add_column(engine, "participant_id")
[docs] @staticmethod def requires_update(engine): return not DBMasterTable._has_column( engine, "extra_metadata" ) or not DBMasterTable._has_column(engine, "participant_id")
@staticmethod def _has_column(engine, column: str): result = engine.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pragma_table_info('master') WHERE name='{0}'".format( column ) ) rows = result.fetchall() count = rows[0][0] return count != 0 @staticmethod def _add_column(engine, column: str): try: result = engine.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pragma_table_info('master') WHERE name='{0}'".format( column ) ) rows = result.fetchall() count = rows[0][0] if 0 == count: logger.debug( "Altering the master table to add the {0} column".format(column) ) engine.execute( "ALTER TABLE master ADD COLUMN {0} VARCHAR".format(column) ) engine.commit() except Exception as e: logger.debug(f"Column already exists, no need to alter. [{e}]")
[docs]class DbReplayTable(Base): __tablename__ = "replay_data" use_extra_info = False unique_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) timestamp = Column(DateTime) message_type = Column(String(64)) # specify the pickler to allow backwards compatibility between 3.7 and 3.8 message_contents = Column(PickleType(pickler=pickle)) extra_info = Column(PickleType(pickler=pickle)) master_table_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("master.unique_id")) parent = relationship("DBMasterTable", back_populates="children_replay") __mapper_args__ = {}
[docs] @classmethod def from_sqlite(cls, row): this = DbReplayTable() this.unique_id = row["unique_id"] this.timestamp = row["timestamp"] this.message_type = row["message_type"] this.message_contents = row["message_contents"] this.master_table_id = row["master_table_id"] if "extra_info" in row: this.extra_info = row["extra_info"] else: this.extra_info = None this.strat = row["strat"] return this
def __repr__(self): return ( f"<DbReplayTable(unique_id={self.unique_id})" f", timestamp={self.timestamp}, " f"message_type={self.message_type}" f", master_table_id={self.master_table_id})>" ) @staticmethod def _has_extra_info(engine): result = engine.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pragma_table_info('replay_data') WHERE name='extra_info'" ) rows = result.fetchall() count = rows[0][0] return count != 0 @staticmethod def _configs_require_conversion(engine): Base.metadata.create_all(engine) Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() results = session.query(DbReplayTable).all() for result in results: if result.message_contents["type"] == "setup": config_str = result.message_contents["message"]["config_str"] config = Config(config_str=config_str) if config.version < __version__: return True # assume that if any config needs to be refactored, all of them do return False
[docs] @staticmethod def update(engine):"DbReplayTable : update called") if not DbReplayTable._has_extra_info(engine): DbReplayTable._add_extra_info(engine) if DbReplayTable._configs_require_conversion(engine): DbReplayTable._convert_configs(engine)
[docs] @staticmethod def requires_update(engine): return not DbReplayTable._has_extra_info( engine ) or DbReplayTable._configs_require_conversion(engine)
@staticmethod def _add_extra_info(engine): try: result = engine.execute( "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pragma_table_info('replay_data') WHERE name='extra_info'" ) rows = result.fetchall() count = rows[0][0] if 0 == count: logger.debug( "Altering the replay_data table to add the extra_info column" ) engine.execute("ALTER TABLE replay_data ADD COLUMN extra_info BLOB") engine.commit() except Exception as e: logger.debug(f"Column already exists, no need to alter. [{e}]") @staticmethod def _convert_configs(engine): Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine) session = Session() results = session.query(DbReplayTable).all() for result in results: if result.message_contents["type"] == "setup": config_str = result.message_contents["message"]["config_str"] config = Config(config_str=config_str) if config.version < __version__: config.convert_to_latest() new_str = str(config) new_message = {"type": "setup", "message": {"config_str": new_str}} if "version" in result.message_contents: new_message["version"] = result.message_contents["version"] result.message_contents = new_message session.commit()"DbReplayTable : updated old configs.")
[docs]class DbStratTable(Base): __tablename__ = "strat_data" unique_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) timestamp = Column(DateTime) strat = Column(PickleType(pickler=pickle)) master_table_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("master.unique_id")) parent = relationship("DBMasterTable", back_populates="children_strat")
[docs] @classmethod def from_sqlite(cls, row): this = DbStratTable() this.unique_id = row["unique_id"] this.timestamp = row["timestamp"] this.strat = row["strat"] this.master_table_id = row["master_table_id"] return this
def __repr__(self): return ( f"<DbStratTable(unique_id={self.unique_id})" f", timestamp={self.timestamp} " f", master_table_id={self.master_table_id})>" )
[docs] @staticmethod def update(engine):"DbStratTable : update called")
[docs] @staticmethod def requires_update(engine): return False
[docs]class DbConfigTable(Base): __tablename__ = "config_data" unique_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) timestamp = Column(DateTime) config = Column(PickleType(pickler=pickle)) master_table_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("master.unique_id")) parent = relationship("DBMasterTable", back_populates="children_config")
[docs] @classmethod def from_sqlite(cls, row): this = DbConfigTable() this.unique_id = row["unique_id"] this.timestamp = row["timestamp"] this.strat = row["config"] this.master_table_id = row["master_table_id"] return this
def __repr__(self): return ( f"<DbStratTable(unique_id={self.unique_id})" f", timestamp={self.timestamp} " f", master_table_id={self.master_table_id})>" )
[docs] @staticmethod def update(engine):"DbConfigTable : update called")
[docs] @staticmethod def requires_update(engine): return False
[docs]class DbRawTable(Base): """ Fact table to store the raw data of each iteration of an experiment. """ __tablename__ = "raw_data" unique_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) timestamp = Column(DateTime) model_data = Column(Boolean) master_table_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("master.unique_id")) parent = relationship("DBMasterTable", back_populates="children_raw") children_param = relationship("DbParamTable", back_populates="parent") children_outcome = relationship("DbOutcomeTable", back_populates="parent")
[docs] @classmethod def from_sqlite(cls, row): this = DbRawTable() this.unique_id = row["unique_id"] this.timestamp = row["timestamp"] this.model_data = row["model_data"] this.master_table_id = row["master_table_id"] return this
def __repr__(self): return ( f"<DbRawTable(unique_id={self.unique_id})" f", timestamp={self.timestamp} " f", master_table_id={self.master_table_id})>" )
[docs] @staticmethod def update(db, engine):"DbRawTable : update called") # Get every master table for master_table in db.get_master_records(): # Get raw tab for message in master_table.children_replay: if message.message_type != "tell": continue timestamp = message.timestamp # Deserialize pickle message message_contents = message.message_contents # Get outcome outcomes = message_contents["message"]["outcome"] # Get parameters params = message_contents["message"]["config"] # Get model_data model_data = message_contents["message"].get("model_data", True) db_raw_record = db.record_raw( master_table=master_table, model_data=bool(model_data), timestamp=timestamp, ) for param_name, param_value in params.items(): if isinstance(param_value, Iterable) and type(param_value) != str: if len(param_value) == 1: db.record_param( raw_table=db_raw_record, param_name=str(param_name), param_value=float(param_value[0]), ) else: for j, v in enumerate(param_value): db.record_param( raw_table=db_raw_record, param_name=str(param_name) + "_stimuli" + str(j), param_value=float(v), ) else: db.record_param( raw_table=db_raw_record, param_name=str(param_name), param_value=float(param_value), ) if isinstance(outcomes, Iterable) and type(outcomes) != str: for j, outcome_value in enumerate(outcomes): if ( isinstance(outcome_value, Iterable) and type(outcome_value) != str ): if len(outcome_value) == 1: outcome_value = outcome_value[0] else: raise ValueError( "Multi-outcome values must be a list of lists of length 1!" ) db.record_outcome( raw_table=db_raw_record, outcome_name="outcome_" + str(j), outcome_value=float(outcome_value), ) else: db.record_outcome( raw_table=db_raw_record, outcome_name="outcome", outcome_value=float(outcomes), )
[docs] @staticmethod def requires_update(engine): """Check if the raw table is empty, and data already exists.""" n_raws = engine.execute("SELECT COUNT (*) FROM raw_data").fetchone()[0] n_tells = engine.execute( "SELECT COUNT (*) FROM replay_data \ WHERE message_type = 'tell'" ).fetchone()[0] if n_raws == 0 and n_tells != 0: return True return False
[docs]class DbParamTable(Base): """ Dimension table to store the parameters of each iteration of an experiment. Supports multiple parameters per iteration, and multiple stimuli per parameter. """ __tablename__ = "param_data" unique_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) param_name = Column(String(50)) param_value = Column(String(50)) iteration_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("raw_data.unique_id")) parent = relationship("DbRawTable", back_populates="children_param")
[docs] @classmethod def from_sqlite(cls, row): this = DbParamTable() this.unique_id = row["unique_id"] this.param_name = row["param_name"] this.param_value = row["param_value"] this.iteration_id = row["iteration_id"] return this
def __repr__(self): return ( f"<DbParamTable(unique_id={self.unique_id})" f", iteration_id={self.iteration_id}>" )
[docs] @staticmethod def update(engine):"DbParamTable : update called")
[docs] @staticmethod def requires_update(engine): return False
[docs]class DbOutcomeTable(Base): """ Dimension table to store the outcomes of each iteration of an experiment. Supports multiple outcomes per iteration. """ __tablename__ = "outcome_data" unique_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) outcome_name = Column(String(50)) outcome_value = Column(Float) iteration_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey("raw_data.unique_id")) parent = relationship("DbRawTable", back_populates="children_outcome")
[docs] @classmethod def from_sqlite(cls, row): this = DbOutcomeTable() this.unique_id = row["unique_id"] this.outcome_name = row["outcome_name"] this.outcome_value = row["outcome_value"] this.iteration_id = row["iteration_id"] return this
def __repr__(self): return ( f"<DbOutcomeTable(unique_id={self.unique_id})" f", iteration_id={self.iteration_id}>" )
[docs] @staticmethod def update(engine):"DbOutcomeTable : update called")
[docs] @staticmethod def requires_update(engine): return False