Source code for aepsych.generators.monotonic_rejection_generator

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.

# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence

import torch
from aepsych.acquisition.monotonic_rejection import MonotonicMCAcquisition
from aepsych.config import Config
from aepsych.generators.base import AEPsychGenerator
from aepsych.models.monotonic_rejection_gp import MonotonicRejectionGP
from aepsych.utils import _process_bounds
from botorch.acquisition import AcquisitionFunction
from botorch.logging import logger
from botorch.optim.initializers import gen_batch_initial_conditions
from botorch.optim.utils import columnwise_clamp, fix_features

[docs]def default_loss_constraint_fun( loss: torch.Tensor, candidates: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """Identity transform for constrained optimization. This simply returns loss as-is. Write your own versions of this for constrained optimization by e.g. interior point method. Args: loss (torch.Tensor): Value of loss at candidate points. candidates (torch.Tensor): Location of candidate points. Unused. Returns: torch.Tensor: New loss (unchanged) """ return loss
[docs]class MonotonicRejectionGenerator(AEPsychGenerator[MonotonicRejectionGP]): """Generator specifically to be used with MonotonicRejectionGP, which generates new points to sample by minimizing an acquisition function through stochastic gradient descent.""" def __init__( self, acqf: MonotonicMCAcquisition, lb: torch.Tensor, ub: torch.Tensor, acqf_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, model_gen_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, explore_features: Optional[Sequence[int]] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize MonotonicRejectionGenerator. Args: acqf (AcquisitionFunction): Acquisition function to use. lb (torch.Tensor): Lower bounds for the optimization. ub (torch.Tensor): Upper bounds for the optimization. acqf_kwargs (Dict[str, object], optional): Extra arguments to pass to acquisition function. Defaults to None. model_gen_options (Dict[str, Any], optional): Dictionary with options for generating candidate, such as SGD parameters. See code for all options and their defaults. Defaults to None. explore_features (Sequence[int], optional): List of features that will be selected randomly and then fixed for acquisition fn optimization. Defaults to None. """ if acqf_kwargs is None: acqf_kwargs = {} self.acqf = acqf self.acqf_kwargs = acqf_kwargs self.model_gen_options = model_gen_options self.explore_features = explore_features, self.ub, _ = _process_bounds(lb, ub, None) self.bounds = torch.stack((, self.ub)) def _instantiate_acquisition_fn( self, model: MonotonicRejectionGP ) -> AcquisitionFunction: """ Instantiates the acquisition function with the specified model and additional arguments. Args: model (MonotonicRejectionGP): The model to use with the acquisition function. Returns: AcquisitionFunction: Configured acquisition function. """ return self.acqf( model=model, deriv_constraint_points=model._get_deriv_constraint_points(), **self.acqf_kwargs, )
[docs] def gen( self, num_points: int, # Current implementation only generates 1 point at a time model: MonotonicRejectionGP, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Query next point(s) to run by optimizing the acquisition function. Args: num_points (int): Number of points to query. Currently only supports 1. model (AEPsychMixin): Fitted model of the data. Returns: torch.Tensor: Next set of point(s) to evaluate, [num_points x dim]. """ options = self.model_gen_options or {} num_restarts = options.get("num_restarts", 10) raw_samples = options.get("raw_samples", 1000) verbosity_freq = options.get("verbosity_freq", -1) lr = options.get("lr", 0.01) momentum = options.get("momentum", 0.9) nesterov = options.get("nesterov", True) epochs = options.get("epochs", 50) milestones = options.get("milestones", [25, 40]) gamma = options.get("gamma", 0.1) loss_constraint_fun = options.get( "loss_constraint_fun", default_loss_constraint_fun ) # Augment bounds with deriv indicator bounds =, torch.zeros(2, 1)), dim=1) # Fix deriv indicator to 0 during optimization fixed_features = {(bounds.shape[1] - 1): 0.0} # Fix explore features to random values if self.explore_features is not None: for idx in self.explore_features: val = ( bounds[0, idx] + torch.rand(1, dtype=bounds.dtype) * (bounds[1, idx] - bounds[0, idx]) ).item() fixed_features[idx] = val bounds[0, idx] = val bounds[1, idx] = val acqf = self._instantiate_acquisition_fn(model) # Initialize batch_initial_conditions = gen_batch_initial_conditions( acq_function=acqf, bounds=bounds, q=1, num_restarts=num_restarts, raw_samples=raw_samples, ) clamped_candidates = columnwise_clamp( X=batch_initial_conditions, lower=bounds[0], upper=bounds[1] ).requires_grad_(True) candidates = fix_features(clamped_candidates, fixed_features) optimizer = torch.optim.SGD( params=[clamped_candidates], lr=lr, momentum=momentum, nesterov=nesterov ) lr_scheduler = torch.optim.lr_scheduler.MultiStepLR( optimizer, milestones=milestones, gamma=gamma ) # Optimize for epoch in range(epochs): loss = -acqf(candidates).sum() # adjust loss based on constraints on candidates loss = loss_constraint_fun(loss, candidates) if verbosity_freq > 0 and epoch % verbosity_freq == 0:"Iter: {} - Value: {:.3f}".format(epoch, -(loss.item()))) def closure(): optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward( retain_graph=True ) # Variational model requires retain_graph return loss optimizer.step(closure) = columnwise_clamp( X=clamped_candidates, lower=bounds[0], upper=bounds[1] ) candidates = fix_features(clamped_candidates, fixed_features) lr_scheduler.step() # Extract best point with torch.no_grad(): batch_acquisition = acqf(candidates) best = torch.argmax(batch_acquisition.view(-1), dim=0) Xopt = candidates[best][:, :-1].detach() return Xopt
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Config) -> "MonotonicRejectionGenerator": """ Creates an instance of MonotonicRejectionGenerator from a configuration object. Args: config (Config): Configuration object containing initialization parameters. Returns: MonotonicRejectionGenerator: A configured instance of the generator class with specified acquisition function, gradient descent options, exploration features, and acquisition function arguments. """ classname = cls.__name__ acqf = config.getobj("common", "acqf", fallback=None) extra_acqf_args = cls._get_acqf_options(acqf, config) lb = torch.tensor(config.getlist(classname, "lb")) ub = torch.tensor(config.getlist(classname, "ub")) options = {} options["num_restarts"] = config.getint(classname, "restarts", fallback=10) options["raw_samples"] = config.getint(classname, "samps", fallback=1000) options["verbosity_freq"] = config.getint( classname, "verbosity_freq", fallback=-1 ) options["lr"] = config.getfloat(classname, "lr", fallback=0.01) # type: ignore options["momentum"] = config.getfloat(classname, "momentum", fallback=0.9) # type: ignore options["nesterov"] = config.getboolean(classname, "nesterov", fallback=True) options["epochs"] = config.getint(classname, "epochs", fallback=50) options["milestones"] = config.getlist( classname, "milestones", fallback=[25, 40], # type: ignore ) options["gamma"] = config.getfloat(classname, "gamma", fallback=0.1) # type: ignore options["loss_constraint_fun"] = config.getobj( classname, "loss_constraint_fun", fallback=default_loss_constraint_fun ) explore_features = config.getlist(classname, "explore_idxs", fallback=None) # type: ignore return cls( acqf=acqf, lb=lb, ub=ub, acqf_kwargs=extra_acqf_args, model_gen_options=options, explore_features=explore_features, )