Source code for aepsych.likelihoods.semi_p

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.

# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from typing import Optional

import torch
from aepsych.acquisition.objective import AEPsychObjective, FloorProbitObjective
from aepsych.config import ConfigurableMixin
from gpytorch.likelihoods import _OneDimensionalLikelihood

[docs]class LinearBernoulliLikelihood(_OneDimensionalLikelihood, ConfigurableMixin): """ A likelihood of the form Bernoulli(sigma(k(x+c))), where k and c are GPs and sigma is a flexible link function. """ def __init__(self, objective: Optional[AEPsychObjective] = None) -> None: """Initializes the linear bernoulli likelihood. Args: objective (AEPsychObjective, optional): Link function to use (sigma in the notation above). Defaults to probit with no floor. """ super().__init__() self.objective = objective or FloorProbitObjective(floor=0.0)
[docs] def f(self, function_samples: torch.Tensor, Xi: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Return the latent function value, k(x-c). Args: function_samples (torch.Tensor): Samples from a batched GP Xi (torch.Tensor): Intensity values. Returns: torch.Tensor: latent function value. """ # function_samples is of shape nsamp x (b) x 2 x n # If (b) is present, if function_samples.ndim > 3: assert function_samples.ndim == 4 assert function_samples.shape[2] == 2 # In this case, Xi will be of size b x n # Offset and slope should be num_samps x b x n offset = function_samples[:, :, 0, :] slope = function_samples[:, :, 1, :] fsamps = slope * (Xi - offset) # Expand from (nsamp x b x n) to (nsamp x b x n x 1) fsamps = fsamps.unsqueeze(-1) else: assert function_samples.ndim == 3 assert function_samples.shape[1] == 2 # Shape is num_samps x 2 x n # Offset and slope should be num_samps x n # Xi will be of size n offset = function_samples[:, 0, :] slope = function_samples[:, 1, :] fsamps = slope * (Xi - offset) # Expand from (nsamp x n) to (nsamp x 1 x n x 1) fsamps = fsamps.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(-1) return fsamps
[docs] def p(self, function_samples: torch.Tensor, Xi: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Returns the response probability sigma(k(x+c)). Args: function_samples (torch.Tensor): Samples from the batched GP (see documentation for self.f) Xi (torch.Tensor): Intensity Values. Returns: torch.Tensor: Response probabilities. """ fsamps = self.f(function_samples, Xi) return self.objective(fsamps)
[docs] def forward( self, function_samples: torch.Tensor, Xi: torch.Tensor, **kwargs ) -> torch.distributions.Bernoulli: """Forward pass for the likelihood Args: function_samples (torch.Tensor): Samples from a batched GP of batch size 2. Xi (torch.Tensor): Intensity values. Returns: torch.distributions.Bernoulli: Outcome likelihood. """ output_probs = self.p(function_samples, Xi) return torch.distributions.Bernoulli(probs=output_probs)
[docs] def expected_log_prob( self, observations: torch.Tensor, function_dist: torch.Tensor, *args, **kwargs ) -> torch.Tensor: """This has to be overridden to fix a bug in gpytorch where the kwargs aren't being passed along to self.forward. Args: observations (torch.Tensor): Observations. function_dist (torch.Tensor): Function distribution. Returns: torch.Tensor: Expected log probability. """ # modified, TODO fixme upstream (cc @bletham) def log_prob_lambda(function_samples: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """Lambda function to compute the log probability. Args: function_samples (torch.Tensor): Function samples. Returns: torch.Tensor: Log probability. """ return self.forward(function_samples, **kwargs).log_prob(observations) log_prob = self.quadrature(log_prob_lambda, function_dist) return log_prob