Source code for aepsych.models.base

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.

# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
from __future__ import annotations

import abc

import time
from import Iterable
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Protocol, Tuple, Union

import gpytorch
import numpy as np
import torch

from aepsych.config import Config, ConfigurableMixin
from aepsych.models.utils import get_extremum, inv_query
from aepsych.utils import dim_grid, get_jnd_multid, make_scaled_sobol, promote_0d
from aepsych.utils_logging import getLogger
from import fit_gpytorch_mll, fit_gpytorch_mll_scipy
from botorch.models.gpytorch import GPyTorchModel
from botorch.posteriors import GPyTorchPosterior
from gpytorch.likelihoods import Likelihood
from gpytorch.mlls import MarginalLogLikelihood
from scipy.stats import norm

logger = getLogger()

torch.set_default_dtype(torch.double)  # TODO: find a better way to prevent type errors

[docs]class ModelProtocol(Protocol): @property def _num_outputs(self) -> int: pass @property def outcome_type(self) -> str: pass @property def extremum_solver(self) -> str: pass @property def train_inputs(self) -> torch.Tensor: pass @property def lb(self) -> torch.Tensor: pass @property def ub(self) -> torch.Tensor: pass @property def bounds(self) -> torch.Tensor: pass @property def dim(self) -> int: pass
[docs] def posterior(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> GPyTorchPosterior: pass
[docs] def predict(self, x: torch.Tensor, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: pass
[docs] def predict_probability(self, x: torch.Tensor, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: pass
@property def stimuli_per_trial(self) -> int: pass @property def likelihood(self) -> Likelihood: pass
[docs] def sample(self, x: torch.Tensor, num_samples: int) -> torch.Tensor: pass
def _get_extremum( self, extremum_type: str, locked_dims: Optional[Mapping[int, List[float]]], n_samples=1000, ) -> Tuple[float, np.ndarray]: pass
[docs] def dim_grid(self, gridsize: int = 30) -> torch.Tensor: pass
[docs] def fit(self, train_x: torch.Tensor, train_y: torch.Tensor, **kwargs: Any) -> None: pass
[docs] def update( self, train_x: torch.Tensor, train_y: torch.Tensor, **kwargs: Any ) -> None: pass
[docs] def p_below_threshold(self, x, f_thresh) -> np.ndarray: pass
[docs]class AEPsychMixin(GPyTorchModel): """Mixin class that provides AEPsych-specific utility methods.""" extremum_solver = "Nelder-Mead" outcome_types: List[str] = [] @property def bounds(self): return torch.stack((, self.ub))
[docs] def get_max( self: ModelProtocol, locked_dims: Optional[Mapping[int, List[float]]] = None, probability_space: bool = False, n_samples: int = 1000, max_time: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Tuple[float, torch.Tensor]: """Return the maximum of the modeled function, subject to constraints Args: locked_dims (Mapping[int, List[float]]): Dimensions to fix, so that the inverse is along a slice of the full surface. probability_space (bool): Is y (and therefore the returned nearest_y) in probability space instead of latent function space? Defaults to False. n_samples int: number of coarse grid points to sample for optimization estimate. Returns: Tuple[float, np.ndarray]: Tuple containing the max and its location (argmax). """ locked_dims = locked_dims or {} _, _arg = get_extremum( self, "max", self.bounds, locked_dims, n_samples, max_time=max_time ) arg = torch.tensor(_arg.reshape(1, self.dim)) if probability_space: val, _ = self.predict_probability(arg) else: val, _ = self.predict(arg) return float(val.item()), arg
[docs] def get_min( self: ModelProtocol, locked_dims: Optional[Mapping[int, List[float]]] = None, probability_space: bool = False, n_samples: int = 1000, max_time: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Tuple[float, torch.Tensor]: """Return the minimum of the modeled function, subject to constraints Args: locked_dims (Mapping[int, List[float]]): Dimensions to fix, so that the inverse is along a slice of the full surface. probability_space (bool): Is y (and therefore the returned nearest_y) in probability space instead of latent function space? Defaults to False. n_samples int: number of coarse grid points to sample for optimization estimate. Returns: Tuple[float, torch.Tensor]: Tuple containing the min and its location (argmin). """ locked_dims = locked_dims or {} _, _arg = get_extremum( self, "min", self.bounds, locked_dims, n_samples, max_time=max_time ) arg = torch.tensor(_arg.reshape(1, self.dim)) if probability_space: val, _ = self.predict_probability(arg) else: val, _ = self.predict(arg) return float(val.item()), arg
[docs] def inv_query( self, y: float, locked_dims: Optional[Mapping[int, List[float]]] = None, probability_space: bool = False, n_samples: int = 1000, max_time: Optional[float] = None, weights: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[float, torch.Tensor]: """Query the model inverse. Return nearest x such that f(x) = queried y, and also return the value of f at that point. Args: y (float): Points at which to find the inverse. locked_dims (Mapping[int, List[float]]): Dimensions to fix, so that the inverse is along a slice of the full surface. probability_space (bool): Is y (and therefore the returned nearest_y) in probability space instead of latent function space? Defaults to False. Returns: Tuple[float, torch.Tensor]: Tuple containing the value of f nearest to queried y and the x position of this value. """ _, _arg = inv_query( self, y=y, bounds=self.bounds, locked_dims=locked_dims, probability_space=probability_space, n_samples=n_samples, max_time=max_time, weights=weights, ) arg = torch.tensor(_arg.reshape(1, self.dim)) if probability_space: val, _ = self.predict_probability(arg.reshape(1, self.dim)) else: val, _ = self.predict(arg.reshape(1, self.dim)) return float(val.item()), arg
[docs] def get_jnd( self: ModelProtocol, grid: Optional[Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]] = None, cred_level: Optional[float] = None, intensity_dim: int = -1, confsamps: int = 500, method: str = "step", ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]: """Calculate the JND. Note that JND can have multiple plausible definitions outside of the linear case, so we provide options for how to compute it. For method="step", we report how far one needs to go over in stimulus space to move 1 unit up in latent space (this is a lot of people's conventional understanding of the JND). For method="taylor", we report the local derivative, which also maps to a 1st-order Taylor expansion of the latent function. This is a formal generalization of JND as defined in Weber's law. Both definitions are equivalent for linear psychometric functions. Args: grid (Optional[np.ndarray], optional): Mesh grid over which to find the JND. Defaults to a square grid of size as determined by aepsych.utils.dim_grid cred_level (float, optional): Credible level for computing an interval. Defaults to None, computing no interval. intensity_dim (int, optional): Dimension over which to compute the JND. Defaults to -1. confsamps (int, optional): Number of posterior samples to use for computing the credible interval. Defaults to 500. method (str, optional): "taylor" or "step" method (see docstring). Defaults to "step". Raises: RuntimeError: for passing an unknown method. Returns: Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]: either the mean JND, or a median, lower, upper tuple of the JND posterior. """ if grid is None: grid = self.dim_grid() else: grid = torch.tensor(grid) # this is super awkward, back into intensity dim grid assuming a square grid gridsize = int(grid.shape[0] ** (1 / grid.shape[1])) coords = torch.linspace([intensity_dim].item(), self.ub[intensity_dim].item(), gridsize ) if cred_level is None: fmean, _ = self.predict(grid) fmean = fmean.reshape(*[gridsize for i in range(self.dim)]) if method == "taylor": return torch.tensor(1 / np.gradient(fmean, coords, axis=intensity_dim)) elif method == "step": return torch.clip( torch.tensor( get_jnd_multid( fmean.detach().numpy(), coords.detach().numpy(), mono_dim=intensity_dim, ) ), 0, np.inf, ) alpha = 1 - cred_level # type: ignore qlower = alpha / 2 qupper = 1 - alpha / 2 fsamps = self.sample(grid, confsamps) if method == "taylor": jnds = torch.tensor( 1 / np.gradient( fsamps.reshape(confsamps, *[gridsize for i in range(self.dim)]), coords, axis=intensity_dim, ) ) elif method == "step": samps = [s.reshape((gridsize,) * self.dim) for s in fsamps] jnds = torch.stack( [get_jnd_multid(s, coords, mono_dim=intensity_dim) for s in samps] ) else: raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown method {method}!") upper = torch.clip(torch.quantile(jnds, qupper, axis=0), 0, np.inf) # type: ignore lower = torch.clip(torch.quantile(jnds, qlower, axis=0), 0, np.inf) # type: ignore median = torch.clip(torch.quantile(jnds, 0.5, axis=0), 0, np.inf) # type: ignore return median, lower, upper
[docs] def dim_grid( self: ModelProtocol, gridsize: int = 30, slice_dims: Optional[Mapping[int, float]] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: return dim_grid(, self.ub, gridsize, slice_dims)
[docs] def set_train_data(self, inputs=None, targets=None, strict=False): """ :param torch.Tensor inputs: The new training inputs. :param torch.Tensor targets: The new training targets. :param bool strict: (default False, ignored). Here for compatibility with input transformers. TODO: actually use this arg or change input transforms to not require it. """ if inputs is not None: self.train_inputs = (inputs,) if targets is not None: self.train_targets = targets
[docs] def normalize_inputs(self, x): scale = self.ub - return (x - / scale
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> gpytorch.distributions.MultivariateNormal: """Evaluate GP Args: x (torch.Tensor): Tensor of points at which GP should be evaluated. Returns: gpytorch.distributions.MultivariateNormal: Distribution object holding mean and covariance at x. """ transformed_x = self.normalize_inputs(x) mean_x = self.mean_module(transformed_x) covar_x = self.covar_module(transformed_x) pred = gpytorch.distributions.MultivariateNormal(mean_x, covar_x) return pred
def _fit_mll( self, mll: MarginalLogLikelihood, optimizer_kwargs: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, optimizer=fit_gpytorch_mll_scipy, **kwargs, ) -> None: self.train() train_x, train_y = mll.model.train_inputs[0], mll.model.train_targets optimizer_kwargs = {} if optimizer_kwargs is None else optimizer_kwargs.copy() max_fit_time = kwargs.pop("max_fit_time", self.max_fit_time) if max_fit_time is not None: # figure out how long evaluating a single samp starttime = time.time() _ = mll(self(train_x), train_y) single_eval_time = time.time() - starttime n_eval = int(max_fit_time / single_eval_time) optimizer_kwargs["options"] = {"maxfun": n_eval}"fit maxfun is {n_eval}") starttime = time.time() res = fit_gpytorch_mll( mll, optimizer=optimizer, optimizer_kwargs=optimizer_kwargs, **kwargs ) return res
[docs] def p_below_threshold(self, x, f_thresh) -> np.ndarray: f, var = self.predict(x) return norm.cdf((f_thresh - f.detach().numpy()) / var.sqrt().detach().numpy())
[docs]class AEPsychModel(ConfigurableMixin, abc.ABC): extremum_solver = "Nelder-Mead" outcome_type: Optional[str] = None default_likelihood: Optional[ Likelihood ] = None # will use default Gaussian likelihood from botorch
[docs] def predict( self: GPyTorchModel, x: Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray] ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: """Query the model for posterior mean and variance. Args: x (Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]): Points at which to predict from the model. Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Posterior mean and variance at queried points. """ if isinstance(x, np.ndarray): x = torch.tensor(x) with torch.no_grad(): post = self.posterior(x) fmean = post.mean.squeeze() fvar = post.variance.squeeze() return promote_0d(fmean), promote_0d(fvar)
[docs] def predict_probability( self: GPyTorchModel, x: Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray] ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def sample( self: GPyTorchModel, x: Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray], n: int ) -> torch.Tensor: """Sample the model posterior at the given points. Args: x (Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]): Points at which to sample from the model. n (int): Number of samples to take at each point. Returns: torch.Tensor: Posterior samples at queried points. Shape is n x len(x) x number of outcomes. """ return self.posterior(x).sample(torch.Size([n]))
[docs] @classmethod def get_config_options(cls, config: Config, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict: if name is None: name = cls.__name__ mean = config.getobj(name, "mean_module", fallback=None) covar = config.getobj(name, "covar_module", fallback=None) likelihood_cls = config.getobj(name, "likelihood", fallback=None) if likelihood_cls is not None: if hasattr(likelihood_cls, "from_config"): likelihood = likelihood_cls.from_config(config) else: likelihood = likelihood_cls() else: likelihood = None # fall back to __init__ default options = { "likelihood": likelihood, "covar_module": covar, "mean_module": mean, } return options
[docs] @classmethod def construct_inputs(cls, training_data, **kwargs): train_X = training_data.X train_Y = training_data.Y likelihood = kwargs.get("likelihood") covar_module = kwargs.get("covar_module") mean_module = kwargs.get("mean_module") inputs = { "train_X": train_X, "train_Y": train_Y, "likelihood": likelihood, "covar_module": covar_module, "mean_module": mean_module, } return inputs
[docs] def get_max( self, bounds: torch.Tensor, locked_dims: Optional[Mapping[int, List[float]]] = None, probability_space: bool = False, n_samples: int = 1000, max_time: Optional[float] = None, weights: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[Union[float, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: """Return the maximum of the modeled function, subject to constraints Args: bounds (torch.Tensor): The lower and upper bounds in the parameter space to search for the maximum, formatted as a 2xn tensor, where d is the number of parameters. locked_dims (Mapping[int, List[float]]): Dimensions to fix, so that the inverse is along a slice of the full surface. n_samples (int): How fine to make the grid of predictions from which the initial guess will be derived. weights (torch.Tensor, Optional): The relative weights of each of the dimensions of y for multi-outcome models. Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Tuple containing the max and its location (argmax). """ locked_dims = locked_dims or {} _, fmax_loc = get_extremum( self, "max", bounds, locked_dims, n_samples, max_time=max_time, weights=weights, ) if probability_space: pred_function = self.predict_probability else: pred_function = self.predict fmax_val = pred_function(fmax_loc.unsqueeze(0))[0] return fmax_val, fmax_loc
[docs] def get_min( self, bounds: torch.Tensor, locked_dims: Optional[Mapping[int, List[float]]] = None, probability_space: bool = False, n_samples: int = 1000, max_time: Optional[float] = None, weights: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[Union[float, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: """Return the minimum of the modeled function, subject to constraints Args: bounds (torch.Tensor): The lower and upper bounds in the parameter space to search for the minimum, formatted as a 2xn tensor, where d is the number of parameters. locked_dims (Mapping[int, List[float]]): Dimensions to fix, so that the inverse is along a slice of the full surface. n_samples (int): How fine to make the grid of predictions from which the initial guess will be derived. weights (torch.Tensor, Optional): The relative weights of each of the dimensions of y for multi-outcome models. Returns: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]: Tuple containing the min and its location (argmin). """ locked_dims = locked_dims or {} _, fmin_loc = get_extremum( self, "min", bounds, locked_dims, n_samples, max_time=max_time, weights=weights, ) if probability_space: pred_function = self.predict_probability else: pred_function = self.predict fmin_val = pred_function(fmin_loc.unsqueeze(0))[0] return fmin_val, fmin_loc
[docs] def inv_query( self, y: Union[float, torch.Tensor], bounds: torch.Tensor, locked_dims: Optional[Mapping[int, List[float]]] = None, probability_space: bool = False, n_samples: int = 1000, max_time: Optional[float] = None, weights: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None, ) -> Tuple[Union[float, torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]: """Query the model inverse. Return nearest x such that f(x) = queried y, and also return the value of f at that point. Args: y (float, torch.Tensor): Point at which to find the inverse. bounds (torch.Tensor): The lower and upper bounds in the parameter space to search for the minimum, formatted as a 2xn tensor, where d is the number of parameters. locked_dims (Mapping[int, List[float]]): Dimensions to fix, so that the inverse is along a slice of the full surface. probability_space (bool): Is y (and therefore the returned nearest_y) in probability space instead of latent function space? Defaults to False. n_samples (int): How fine to make the grid of predictions from which the initial guess will be derived. weights (torch.Tensor, Optional): The relative weights of each of the dimensions of y for multi-outcome models. Returns: Tuple[float, np.ndarray]: Tuple containing the value of f nearest to queried y and the x position of this value. """ _, arg = inv_query( self, y, bounds, locked_dims, probability_space, n_samples, max_time, weights, ) arg = arg.reshape(1, -1) if probability_space: val, _ = self.predict_probability(arg) else: val, _ = self.predict(arg) return val, arg
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def get_mll_class(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def fit(self): mll_class = self.get_mll_class() mll = mll_class(self.likelihood, self) fit_gpytorch_mll(mll)