Source code for aepsych.models.inducing_points.kmeans
from typing import Optional
import torch
from aepsych.models.inducing_points.base import BaseAllocator
from scipy.cluster.vq import kmeans2
[docs]class KMeansAllocator(BaseAllocator):
"""An inducing point allocator that uses k-means++ to allocate inducing points."""
[docs] def allocate_inducing_points(
inputs: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None,
covar_module: Optional[torch.nn.Module] = None,
num_inducing: int = 100,
input_batch_shape: torch.Size = torch.Size([]),
) -> torch.Tensor:
Generates `num_inducing` inducing points using k-means++ initialization on the input data.
inputs (torch.Tensor): A tensor of shape (n, d) containing the input data.
covar_module (torch.nn.Module, optional): Kernel covariance module; included for API compatibility, but not used here.
num_inducing (int, optional): The number of inducing points to generate. Defaults to 100.
input_batch_shape (torch.Size, optional): Batch shape, defaults to an empty size; included for API compatibility, but not used here.
torch.Tensor: A (num_inducing, d)-dimensional tensor of inducing points selected via k-means++.
if inputs is None: # Dummy points
return self._allocate_dummy_points(num_inducing=num_inducing)
if inputs.shape[1] != self.dim:
# The inputs were augmented somehow, assuming it was added to the end of dims
inputs = inputs[:, : self.dim, ...]
self.last_allocator_used = self.__class__
# Ensure inputs are unique to avoid duplication issues with k-means++
unique_inputs = torch.unique(inputs, dim=0)
# If unique inputs are less than or equal to the required inducing points, return them directly
if unique_inputs.shape[0] <= num_inducing:
return unique_inputs
# Run k-means++ on the unique inputs to select inducing points
inducing_points = torch.tensor(
kmeans2(unique_inputs.cpu().numpy(), num_inducing, minit="++")[0]
return inducing_points