Source code for aepsych.models.monotonic_projection_gp

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.

# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union

import gpytorch
import numpy as np
import torch
from aepsych.config import Config
from aepsych.factory.default import default_mean_covar_factory
from aepsych.models.gp_classification import GPClassificationModel
from aepsych.models.inducing_points import GreedyVarianceReduction
from aepsych.models.inducing_points.base import InducingPointAllocator
from aepsych.utils import get_dims, get_optimizer_options
from botorch.posteriors.gpytorch import GPyTorchPosterior
from gpytorch.likelihoods import Likelihood
from statsmodels.stats.moment_helpers import corr2cov, cov2corr

[docs]class MonotonicProjectionGP(GPClassificationModel): """A monotonic GP based on posterior projection NOTE: This model does not currently support backprop and so cannot be used with gradient optimization for active learning. This model produces predictions that are monotonic in any number of specified monotonic dimensions. It follows the intuition of the paper Lin L, Dunson DB (2014) Bayesian monotone regression using Gaussian process projection, Biometrika 101(2): 303-317. but makes significant departures by using heuristics for a lot of what is done in a more principled way in the paper. The reason for the move to heuristics is to improve scaling, especially with multiple monotonic dimensions. The method in the paper applies PAVA projection at the sample level, which requires a significant amount of costly GP posterior sampling. The approach taken here applies rolling-max projection to quantiles of the distribution, and so requires only marginal posterior evaluation. There is also a significant departure in the way multiple monotonic dimensions are handled, since in the paper computation scales exponentially with the number of monotonic dimensions and the heuristic approach taken here scales linearly in the number of dimensions. The cost of these changes is that the convergence guarantees proven in the paper no longer hold. The method implemented here is a heuristic, and it may be useful in some problems. The principle behind the method given here is that sample-level monotonicity implies monotonicity in the quantiles. We enforce monotonicity in several quantiles, and use that as an approximation for the true projected posterior distribution. The approach here also supports specifying a minimum value of f. That minimum will be enforced on mu, but not necessarily on the lower bound of the projected posterior since we keep the projected posterior normal. The min f value will also be enforced on samples drawn from the model, while monotonicity will not be enforced at the sample level. The procedure for computing the monotonic projected posterior at x is: 1. Separately for each monotonic dimension, create a grid of s points that differ only in that dimension, and sweep from the lower bound up to x. 2. Evaluate the marginal distribution, mu and sigma, on the full set of points (x and the s grid points for each monotonic dimension). 3. Compute the mu +/- 2 * sigma quantiles. 4. Enforce monotonicity in the quantiles by taking mu_proj as the maximum mu across the set, and lb_proj as the maximum of mu - 2 * sigma across the set. ub_proj is left as mu(x) + 2 * sigma(x), but is clamped to mu_proj in case that project put it above the original ub. 5. Clamp mu and lb to the minimum value for f, if one was set. 6. Construct a new normal posterior given the projected quantiles by taking mu_proj as the mean, and (ub - lb) / 4 as the standard deviation. Adjust the covariance matrix to account for the change in the marginal variances. The process above requires only marginal posterior evaluation on the grid of points used for the posterior projection, and the size of that grid scales linearly with the number of monotonic dimensions, not exponentially. The args here are the same as for GPClassificationModel with the addition of: Args: monotonic_dims: A list of the dimensions on which monotonicity should be enforced. monotonic_grid_size: The size of the grid, s, in 1. above. min_f_val: If provided, maintains this minimum in the projection in 5. """ def __init__( self, lb: torch.Tensor, ub: torch.Tensor, dim: int, monotonic_dims: Optional[List[int]] = None, monotonic_grid_size: int = 20, min_f_val: Optional[float] = None, mean_module: Optional[gpytorch.means.Mean] = None, covar_module: Optional[gpytorch.kernels.Kernel] = None, likelihood: Optional[Likelihood] = None, inducing_point_method: Optional[InducingPointAllocator] = None, inducing_size: int = 100, max_fit_time: Optional[float] = None, optimizer_options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> None: """Initialize the MonotonicProjectionGP model. Unlike other models, this model needs bounds. Args: lb (torch.Tensor): Lower bounds of the parameters. ub (torch.Tensor): Upper bounds of the parameters. dim (int, optional): The number of dimensions in the parameter space. monotonic_dims (List[int], optional): A list of the dimensions on which monotonicity should be enforced. If not set, it will default to [-1]. monotonic_grid_size (int): The size of the grid, s, in 1. above. Defaults to 20. min_f_val (float, optional): If provided, maintains this minimum in the projection in 5. Defaults to None. mean_module (gpytorch.means.Mean, optional): GP mean class. Defaults to a constant with a normal prior. Defaults to None. covar_module (gpytorch.kernels.Kernel, optional): GP covariance kernel class. Defaults to scaled RBF with a gamma prior. Defaults to None. likelihood (Likelihood, optional): The likelihood function to use. If None defaults to Gaussian likelihood. Defaults to None. inducing_point_method (InducingPointAllocator, optional): The method to use for selecting inducing points. If not set, a GreedyVarianceReduction is made. inducing_size (int): The number of inducing points to use. Defaults to 100. max_fit_time (float, optional): The maximum amount of time, in seconds, to spend fitting the model. If None, there is no limit to the fitting time. Defaults to None. """ if monotonic_dims is None: monotonic_dims = [-1] assert len(monotonic_dims) > 0 self.monotonic_dims = [int(d) for d in monotonic_dims] self.mon_grid_size = monotonic_grid_size self.min_f_val = min_f_val = lb self.ub = ub super().__init__( dim=dim, mean_module=mean_module, covar_module=covar_module, likelihood=likelihood, inducing_size=inducing_size, max_fit_time=max_fit_time, inducing_point_method=inducing_point_method, optimizer_options=optimizer_options, )
[docs] def posterior( self, X: torch.Tensor, observation_noise: Union[bool, torch.Tensor] = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> GPyTorchPosterior: """Compute the posterior at X, projecting to enforce monotonicity. Args: X (torch.Tensor): The input points at which to compute the posterior. observation_noise (Union[bool, torch.Tensor]): Whether or not to include the observation noise in the posterior. Defaults to False. Returns: GPyTorchPosterior: The posterior at X. """ # Augment X with monotonicity grid points, for each monotonic dim n, d = X.shape # Require no batch dimensions m = len(self.monotonic_dims) s = self.mon_grid_size X_aug = X.repeat(s * m + 1, 1, 1) for i, dim in enumerate(self.monotonic_dims): # using numpy because torch doesn't support vectorized linspace, # pytorch/issues/61292 grid: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor] = np.linspace([dim].cpu().numpy(), X[:, dim].cpu().numpy(), s + 1, ) # (s+1 x n) grid = torch.tensor(grid[:-1, :], dtype=X.dtype) # Drop x; (s x n) X_aug[(1 + i * s) : (1 + (i + 1) * s), :, dim] = grid # X_aug[0, :, :] is X, and then subsequent indices are points in the grids # Predict marginal distributions on X_aug X = X_aug = with torch.no_grad(): post_aug = super().posterior(X=X_aug) mu_aug = post_aug.mean.squeeze() # (m*s+1 x n) var_aug = post_aug.variance.squeeze() # (m*s+1 x n) mu_proj = mu_aug.max(dim=0).values lb_proj = (mu_aug - 2 * torch.sqrt(var_aug)).max(dim=0).values if self.min_f_val is not None: mu_proj = mu_proj.clamp(min=self.min_f_val) lb_proj = lb_proj.clamp(min=self.min_f_val) ub_proj = (mu_aug[0, :] + 2 * torch.sqrt(var_aug[0, :])).clamp(min=mu_proj) sigma_proj = ((ub_proj - lb_proj) / 4).clamp(min=1e-4) # Adjust the whole covariance matrix to accomadate the projected marginals with torch.no_grad(): post = super().posterior(X=X) R = cov2corr(post.distribution.covariance_matrix.squeeze().cpu().numpy()) S_proj = torch.tensor(corr2cov(R, sigma_proj.cpu().numpy()), dtype=X.dtype) mvn_proj = gpytorch.distributions.MultivariateNormal( mu_proj.unsqueeze(0).to(self.device), S_proj.unsqueeze(0).to(self.device), ) return GPyTorchPosterior(mvn_proj)
[docs] def sample(self, x: torch.Tensor, num_samples: int) -> torch.Tensor: """Sample from the model. Args: x (torch.Tensor): The input points at which to sample. num_samples (int): The number of samples to draw. Returns: torch.Tensor: The samples at x. """ samps = super().sample(x=x, num_samples=num_samples) if self.min_f_val is not None: samps = samps.clamp(min=self.min_f_val) return samps