Source code for aepsych.strategy

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.

# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

import time
import warnings

from copy import copy
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union

import numpy as np
import torch

from aepsych.config import Config, ConfigurableMixin
from aepsych.generators.base import AEPsychGenerationStep, AEPsychGenerator
from aepsych.generators.sobol_generator import AxSobolGenerator, SobolGenerator
from aepsych.models.base import ModelProtocol
from aepsych.utils import (
from aepsych.utils_logging import getLogger
from ax.core.base_trial import TrialStatus
from ax.modelbridge.generation_strategy import GenerationStrategy
from ax.plot.contour import interact_contour
from ax.plot.slice import plot_slice
from ax.service.ax_client import AxClient
from ax.utils.notebook.plotting import render
from botorch.exceptions.errors import ModelFittingError

logger = getLogger()

[docs]def ensure_model_is_fresh(f): def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): if self.can_fit and not self._model_is_fresh: starttime = time.time() if self._count % self.refit_every == 0 or self.refit_every == 1:"Starting fitting (no warm start)...") # don't warm start else:"Starting fitting (warm start)...") # warm start self.update()"Fitting done, took {time.time()-starttime}") self._model_is_fresh = True return f(self, *args, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs]class Strategy(object): """Object that combines models and generators to generate points to sample.""" _n_eval_points: int = 1000 def __init__( self, generator: AEPsychGenerator, lb: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], ub: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], stimuli_per_trial: int, outcome_types: Sequence[Type[str]], dim: Optional[int] = None, min_total_tells: int = 0, min_asks: int = 0, model: Optional[ModelProtocol] = None, refit_every: int = 1, min_total_outcome_occurrences: int = 1, max_asks: Optional[int] = None, keep_most_recent: Optional[int] = None, min_post_range: Optional[float] = None, name: str = "", run_indefinitely: bool = False, ): """Initialize the strategy object. Args: generator (AEPsychGenerator): The generator object that determines how points are sampled. lb (Union[numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): Lower bounds of the parameters. ub (Union[numpy.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): Upper bounds of the parameters. dim (int, optional): The number of dimensions in the parameter space. If None, it is inferred from the size of lb and ub. min_total_tells (int): The minimum number of total observations needed to complete this strategy. min_asks (int): The minimum number of points that should be generated from this strategy. model (ModelProtocol, optional): The AEPsych model of the data. refit_every (int): How often to refit the model from scratch. min_total_outcome_occurrences (int): The minimum number of total observations needed for each outcome before the strategy will finish. Defaults to 1 (i.e., for binary outcomes, there must be at least one "yes" trial and one "no" trial). max_asks (int, optional): The maximum number of trials to generate using this strategy. If None, there is no upper bound (default). keep_most_recent (int, optional): Experimental. The number of most recent data points that the model will be fitted on. This may be useful for discarding noisy data from trials early in the experiment that are not as informative as data collected from later trials. When None, the model is fitted on all data. min_post_range (float, optional): Experimental. The required difference between the posterior's minimum and maximum value in probablity space before the strategy will finish. Ignored if None (default). name (str): The name of the strategy. Defaults to the empty string. run_indefinitely (bool): If true, the strategy will run indefinitely until finish() is explicitly called. Other stopping criteria will be ignored. Defaults to False. """ self.is_finished = False if run_indefinitely: warnings.warn( f"Strategy {name} will run indefinitely until finish() is explicitly called. Other stopping criteria will be ignored." ) elif min_total_tells > 0 and min_asks > 0: warnings.warn( "Specifying both min_total_tells and min_asks > 0 may lead to unintended behavior." ) if model is not None: assert ( len(outcome_types) == model._num_outputs ), f"Strategy has {len(outcome_types)} outcomes, but model {type(model).__name__} supports {model._num_outputs}!" assert ( stimuli_per_trial == model.stimuli_per_trial ), f"Strategy has {stimuli_per_trial} stimuli_per_trial, but model {type(model).__name__} supports {model.stimuli_per_trial}!" if isinstance(model.outcome_type, str): assert ( len(outcome_types) == 1 and outcome_types[0] == model.outcome_type ), f"Strategy outcome types is {outcome_types} but model outcome type is {model.outcome_type}!" else: assert set(outcome_types) == set( model.outcome_type ), f"Strategy outcome types is {outcome_types} but model outcome type is {model.outcome_type}!" self.run_indefinitely = run_indefinitely, self.ub, self.dim = _process_bounds(lb, ub, dim) self.min_total_outcome_occurrences = min_total_outcome_occurrences self.max_asks = max_asks or generator.max_asks self.keep_most_recent = keep_most_recent self.min_post_range = min_post_range if self.min_post_range is not None: assert model is not None, "min_post_range must be None if model is None!" self.eval_grid = make_scaled_sobol(, ub=self.ub, size=self._n_eval_points ) self.x = None self.y = None self.n = 0 self.min_asks = min_asks self._count = 0 self.min_total_tells = min_total_tells self.stimuli_per_trial = stimuli_per_trial self.outcome_types = outcome_types if self.stimuli_per_trial == 1: self.event_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (self.dim,) if self.stimuli_per_trial == 2: self.event_shape = (self.dim, self.stimuli_per_trial) self.model = model self.refit_every = refit_every self._model_is_fresh = False self.generator = generator self.has_model = self.model is not None if self.generator._requires_model: assert self.model is not None, f"{self.generator} requires a model!" if self.min_asks == self.min_total_tells == 0: warnings.warn( "strategy.min_asks == strategy.min_total_tells == 0. This strategy will not generate any points!", UserWarning, ) = name
[docs] def normalize_inputs(self, x, y): """converts inputs into normalized format for this strategy Args: x (np.ndarray): training inputs y (np.ndarray): training outputs Returns: x (np.ndarray): training inputs, normalized y (np.ndarray): training outputs, normalized n (int): number of observations """ assert ( x.shape == self.event_shape or x.shape[1:] == self.event_shape ), f"x shape should be {self.event_shape} or batch x {self.event_shape}, instead got {x.shape}" if x.shape == self.event_shape: x = x[None, :] if self.x is None: x = np.r_[x] else: x = np.r_[self.x, x] if self.y is None: y = np.r_[y] else: y = np.r_[self.y, y] n = y.shape[0] return torch.Tensor(x), torch.Tensor(y), n
# TODO: allow user to pass in generator options
[docs] @ensure_model_is_fresh def gen(self, num_points: int = 1): """Query next point(s) to run by optimizing the acquisition function. Args: num_points (int, optional): Number of points to query. Defaults to 1. Other arguments are forwared to underlying model. Returns: np.ndarray: Next set of point(s) to evaluate, [num_points x dim]. """ self._count = self._count + num_points return self.generator.gen(num_points, self.model)
[docs] @ensure_model_is_fresh def get_max(self, constraints=None, probability_space=False, max_time=None): constraints = constraints or {} return self.model.get_max( constraints, probability_space=probability_space, max_time=max_time )
[docs] @ensure_model_is_fresh def get_min(self, constraints=None, probability_space=False, max_time=None): constraints = constraints or {} return self.model.get_min( constraints, probability_space=probability_space, max_time=max_time )
[docs] @ensure_model_is_fresh def inv_query(self, y, constraints=None, probability_space=False, max_time=None): constraints = constraints or {} return self.model.inv_query( y, constraints, probability_space, max_time=max_time )
[docs] @ensure_model_is_fresh def predict(self, x, probability_space=False): return self.model.predict(x=x, probability_space=probability_space)
[docs] @ensure_model_is_fresh def get_jnd(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.model.get_jnd(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] @ensure_model_is_fresh def sample(self, x, num_samples=None): return self.model.sample(x, num_samples=num_samples)
[docs] def finish(self): self.is_finished = True
@property def finished(self): if self.is_finished: return True if self.run_indefinitely: return False if hasattr(self.generator, "finished"): # defer to generator if possible return self.generator.finished if self.y is None: # always need some data before switching strats return False if self.max_asks is not None and self._count >= self.max_asks: return True if "binary" in self.outcome_types: n_yes_trials = (self.y == 1).sum() n_no_trials = (self.y == 0).sum() sufficient_outcomes = ( n_yes_trials >= self.min_total_outcome_occurrences and n_no_trials >= self.min_total_outcome_occurrences ) else: sufficient_outcomes = True if self.min_post_range is not None: fmean, _ = self.model.predict(self.eval_grid, probability_space=True) meets_post_range = (fmean.max() - fmean.min()) >= self.min_post_range else: meets_post_range = True finished = ( self._count >= self.min_asks and self.n >= self.min_total_tells and sufficient_outcomes and meets_post_range ) return finished @property def can_fit(self): return self.has_model and self.x is not None and self.y is not None @property def n_trials(self): warnings.warn( "'n_trials' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Specify 'min_asks' instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.min_asks
[docs] def add_data(self, x, y): self.x, self.y, self.n = self.normalize_inputs(x, y) self._model_is_fresh = False
[docs] def fit(self): if self.can_fit: if self.keep_most_recent is not None: try: self.x[-self.keep_most_recent :], self.y[-self.keep_most_recent :], ) except ModelFittingError: logger.warning( "Failed to fit model! Predictions may not be accurate!" ) else: try:, self.y) except ModelFittingError: logger.warning( "Failed to fit model! Predictions may not be accurate!" ) else: warnings.warn("Cannot fit: no model has been initialized!", RuntimeWarning)
[docs] def update(self): if self.can_fit: if self.keep_most_recent is not None: try: self.model.update( self.x[-self.keep_most_recent :], self.y[-self.keep_most_recent :], ) except ModelFittingError: logger.warning( "Failed to fit model! Predictions may not be accurate!" ) else: try: self.model.update(self.x, self.y) except ModelFittingError: logger.warning( "Failed to fit model! Predictions may not be accurate!" ) else: warnings.warn("Cannot fit: no model has been initialized!", RuntimeWarning)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Config, name: str): lb = config.gettensor(name, "lb") ub = config.gettensor(name, "ub") dim = config.getint(name, "dim", fallback=None) stimuli_per_trial = config.getint(name, "stimuli_per_trial", fallback=1) outcome_types = config.getlist(name, "outcome_types", element_type=str) gen_cls = config.getobj(name, "generator", fallback=SobolGenerator) generator = gen_cls.from_config(config) model_cls = config.getobj(name, "model", fallback=None) if model_cls is not None: model = model_cls.from_config(config) else: model = None acqf_cls = config.getobj(name, "acqf", fallback=None) if acqf_cls is not None and hasattr(generator, "acqf"): if generator.acqf is None: generator.acqf = acqf_cls generator.acqf_kwargs = generator._get_acqf_options(acqf_cls, config) min_asks = config.getint(name, "min_asks", fallback=0) min_total_tells = config.getint(name, "min_total_tells", fallback=0) refit_every = config.getint(name, "refit_every", fallback=1) if model is not None and not generator._requires_model: if refit_every < min_asks: warnings.warn( f"Strategy '{name}' has refit_every < min_asks even though its generator does not require a model. Consider making refit_every = min_asks to speed up point generation.", UserWarning, ) keep_most_recent = config.getint(name, "keep_most_recent", fallback=None) min_total_outcome_occurrences = config.getint( name, "min_total_outcome_occurrences", fallback=1 if "binary" in outcome_types else 0, ) min_post_range = config.getfloat(name, "min_post_range", fallback=None) keep_most_recent = config.getint(name, "keep_most_recent", fallback=None) n_trials = config.getint(name, "n_trials", fallback=None) if n_trials is not None: warnings.warn( "'n_trials' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Specify 'min_asks' instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) min_asks = n_trials return cls( lb=lb, ub=ub, stimuli_per_trial=stimuli_per_trial, outcome_types=outcome_types, dim=dim, model=model, generator=generator, min_asks=min_asks, refit_every=refit_every, min_total_outcome_occurrences=min_total_outcome_occurrences, min_post_range=min_post_range, keep_most_recent=keep_most_recent, min_total_tells=min_total_tells, name=name, )
[docs]class SequentialStrategy(object): """Runs a sequence of strategies defined by its config All getter methods defer to the current strat Args: strat_list (list[Strategy]): TODO make this nicely typed / doc'd """ def __init__(self, strat_list: List[Strategy]): self.strat_list = strat_list self._strat_idx = 0 self._suggest_count = 0 @property def _strat(self): return self.strat_list[self._strat_idx] def __getattr__(self, name: str): # return current strategy's attr if it's not a container attr if "strat_list" not in vars(self): raise AttributeError("Have no strategies in container, what happened?") return getattr(self._strat, name) def _make_next_strat(self): if (self._strat_idx + 1) >= len(self.strat_list): warnings.warn( "Ran out of generators, staying on final generator!", RuntimeWarning ) return # populate new model with final data from last model assert ( self.x is not None and self.y is not None ), "Cannot initialize next strategy; no data has been given!" self.strat_list[self._strat_idx + 1].add_data(self.x, self.y) self._suggest_count = 0 self._strat_idx = self._strat_idx + 1
[docs] def gen(self, num_points: int = 1, **kwargs): if self._strat.finished: self._make_next_strat() self._suggest_count = self._suggest_count + num_points return self._strat.gen(num_points=num_points, **kwargs)
[docs] def finish(self): self._strat.finish()
@property def finished(self): return self._strat_idx == (len(self.strat_list) - 1) and self._strat.finished
[docs] def add_data(self, x, y): self._strat.add_data(x, y)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Config): strat_names = config.getlist("common", "strategy_names", element_type=str) # ensure strat_names are unique assert len(strat_names) == len( set(strat_names) ), f"Strategy names {strat_names} are not all unique!" strats = [] for name in strat_names: strat = Strategy.from_config(config, str(name)) strats.append(strat) return cls(strat_list=strats)
[docs]class AEPsychStrategy(ConfigurableMixin): is_finished = False def __init__(self, ax_client: AxClient, bounds: torch.Tensor): self.ax_client = ax_client self.ax_client.experiment.num_asks = 0 self.bounds = bounds
[docs] @classmethod def get_config_options(cls, config: Config, name: Optional[str] = None) -> Dict: # TODO: Fix the mypy errors strat_names: List[str] = config.getlist("common", "strategy_names", element_type=str) # type: ignore steps = [] for name in strat_names: generator = config.getobj(name, "generator", fallback=AxSobolGenerator) # type: ignore opts = generator.get_config_options(config, name) step = AEPsychGenerationStep(**opts) steps.append(step) # Add an extra step at the end that we can `ask` endlessly. final_step = copy(step) final_step.completion_criteria = [] final_step._transition_criteria = [] final_step.num_trials = -1 steps.append(final_step) parameters = get_parameters(config) bounds = get_bounds(config) parameter_constraints = config.getlist( "common", "par_constraints", element_type=str, fallback=None ) objectives = get_objectives(config) seed = config.getint("common", "random_seed", fallback=None) strat = GenerationStrategy(steps=steps) ax_client = AxClient(strat, random_seed=seed) ax_client.create_experiment( name="experiment", parameters=parameters, parameter_constraints=parameter_constraints, objectives=objectives, ) return {"ax_client": ax_client, "bounds": bounds}
@property def finished(self) -> bool: if self.is_finished or self.strat.optimization_complete: return True self.strat._maybe_move_to_next_step() return len(self.strat._steps) == (self.strat.current_step.index + 1)
[docs] def finish(self): self.is_finished = True
[docs] def gen(self, num_points: int = 1): x, _ = self.ax_client.get_next_trials(max_trials=num_points) self.strat.experiment.num_asks += num_points return x
[docs] def complete_new_trial(self, config, outcome): _, trial_index = self.ax_client.attach_trial(config) self.complete_existing_trial(trial_index, outcome)
[docs] def complete_existing_trial(self, trial_index, outcome): self.ax_client.complete_trial(trial_index, outcome)
@property def experiment(self): return self.ax_client.experiment @property def strat(self): return self.ax_client.generation_strategy @property def can_fit(self): return ( self.strat.model is not None and len(self.experiment.trial_indices_by_status[TrialStatus.COMPLETED]) > 0 ) @property def model(self): ax_model = self.ax_client.generation_strategy.model if not hasattr(ax_model, "surrogate"): return None aepsych_model = ax_model.model.surrogate.model return aepsych_model def _warn_on_outcome_mismatch(self): if ( hasattr(self.model, "outcome_type") and self.model.outcome_type != "continuous" ): warnings.warn( "Cannot directly plot non-continuous outcomes. Plotting the latent function instead." )
[docs] def plot_contours( self, density: int = 50, slice_values: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None ): """Plot predictions for a 2-d slice of the parameter space. Args: density: Number of points along each parameter to evaluate predictions. slice_values: A dictionary {name: val} for the fixed values of the other parameters. If not provided, then the mean of numeric parameters or the mode of choice parameters will be used. """ assert ( len(self.experiment.parameters) > 1 ), "plot_contours requires at least 2 parameters! Use 'plot_slice' instead." ax_model = self.ax_client.generation_strategy.model self._warn_on_outcome_mismatch() render( interact_contour( model=ax_model, metric_name="objective", density=density, slice_values=slice_values, ) )
[docs] def plot_slice( self, param_name: str, density: int = 50, slice_values: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ): """Plot predictions for a 1-d slice of the parameter space. Args: param_name: Name of parameter that will be sliced density: Number of points along slice to evaluate predictions. slice_values: A dictionary {name: val} for the fixed values of the other parameters. If not provided, then the mean of numeric parameters or the mode of choice parameters will be used. """ self._warn_on_outcome_mismatch() ax_model = self.ax_client.generation_strategy.model render( plot_slice( model=ax_model, param_name=param_name, metric_name="objective", density=density, slice_values=slice_values, ) )
[docs] def get_pareto_optimal_parameters(self): return self.ax_client.get_pareto_optimal_parameters()
[docs] def predict(self, *args, **kwargs): """Query the model for posterior mean and variance.; see AEPsychModel.predict.""" return self.model.predict(self._bounds, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def predict_probability(self, *args, **kwargs): """Query the model in prodbability space for posterior mean and variance.; see AEPsychModel.predict_probability.""" return self.model.predict(self._bounds, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_max(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return the maximum of the modeled function; see AEPsychModel.get_max.""" return self.model.get_max(self._bounds, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_min(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return the minimum of the modeled function; see AEPsychModel.get_min.""" return self.model.get_min(self._bounds, *args, **kwargs)
[docs] def inv_query(self, *args, **kwargs): """Return nearest x such that f(x) = queried y, and also return the value of f at that point.; see AEPsychModel.inv_query.""" return self.model.inv_query(self._bounds, *args, **kwargs)