Source code for aepsych.strategy.strategy

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.

# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from typing import List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import torch
from aepsych.config import Config
from aepsych.generators.base import AEPsychGenerator
from aepsych.models.base import AEPsychMixin
from aepsych.models.utils import get_jnd, get_max, get_min, inv_query
from aepsych.strategy.utils import ensure_model_is_fresh
from aepsych.transforms import (
from aepsych.utils import _process_bounds, make_scaled_sobol
from aepsych.utils_logging import getLogger
from botorch.exceptions.errors import ModelFittingError
from botorch.models.transforms.input import ChainedInputTransform

logger = getLogger()

[docs]class Strategy(object): """Object that combines models and generators to generate points to sample.""" _n_eval_points: int = 1000 def __init__( self, generator: Union[AEPsychGenerator, ParameterTransformedGenerator], lb: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], ub: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], stimuli_per_trial: int, outcome_types: List[str], dim: Optional[int] = None, min_total_tells: int = 0, min_asks: int = 0, model: Optional[AEPsychMixin] = None, use_gpu_modeling: bool = False, use_gpu_generating: bool = False, refit_every: int = 1, min_total_outcome_occurrences: int = 1, max_asks: Optional[int] = None, keep_most_recent: Optional[int] = None, min_post_range: Optional[float] = None, name: str = "", run_indefinitely: bool = False, transforms: ChainedInputTransform = ChainedInputTransform(**{}), ) -> None: """Initialize the strategy object. Args: generator (AEPsychGenerator): The generator object that determines how points are sampled. lb (torch.Tensor): Lower bounds of the parameters. ub (torch.Tensor): Upper bounds of the parameters. stimuli_per_trial (int): The number of stimuli per trial. outcome_types (Sequence[Type[str]]): The types of outcomes that the strategy will generate. dim (int, optional): The number of dimensions in the parameter space. If None, it is inferred from the size of lb and ub. min_total_tells (int): The minimum number of total observations needed to complete this strategy. min_asks (int): The minimum number of points that should be generated from this strategy. model (ModelProtocol, optional): The AEPsych model of the data. use_gpu_modeling (bool): Whether to move the model to GPU fitting/predictions, defaults to False. use_gpu_generating (bool): Whether to use the GPU for generating points, defaults to False. refit_every (int): How often to refit the model from scratch. min_total_outcome_occurrences (int): The minimum number of total observations needed for each outcome before the strategy will finish. Defaults to 1 (i.e., for binary outcomes, there must be at least one "yes" trial and one "no" trial). max_asks (int, optional): The maximum number of trials to generate using this strategy. If None, there is no upper bound (default). keep_most_recent (int, optional): Experimental. The number of most recent data points that the model will be fitted on. This may be useful for discarding noisy data from trials early in the experiment that are not as informative as data collected from later trials. When None, the model is fitted on all data. min_post_range (float, optional): Experimental. The required difference between the posterior's minimum and maximum value in probablity space before the strategy will finish. Ignored if None (default). name (str): The name of the strategy. Defaults to the empty string. run_indefinitely (bool): If true, the strategy will run indefinitely until finish() is explicitly called. Other stopping criteria will be ignored. Defaults to False. transforms (ReversibleInputTransform, optional): Transforms to apply parameters. This is immediately applied to lb/ub, thus lb/ub should be defined in raw parameter space for initialization. However, if the lb/ub attribute are access from an initialized Strategy object, it will be returned in transformed space. """ self.is_finished = False if run_indefinitely: warnings.warn( f"Strategy {name} will run indefinitely until finish() is explicitly called. Other stopping criteria will be ignored." ) elif min_total_tells > 0 and min_asks > 0: warnings.warn( "Specifying both min_total_tells and min_asks > 0 may lead to unintended behavior." ) if model is not None: assert ( len(outcome_types) == model._num_outputs ), f"Strategy has {len(outcome_types)} outcomes, but model {type(model).__name__} supports {model._num_outputs}!" assert ( stimuli_per_trial == model.stimuli_per_trial ), f"Strategy has {stimuli_per_trial} stimuli_per_trial, but model {type(model).__name__} supports {model.stimuli_per_trial}!" if isinstance(model.outcome_type, str): assert ( len(outcome_types) == 1 and outcome_types[0] == model.outcome_type ), f"Strategy outcome types is {outcome_types} but model outcome type is {model.outcome_type}!" else: assert ( set(outcome_types) == set(model.outcome_type) ), f"Strategy outcome types is {outcome_types} but model outcome type is {model.outcome_type}!" if use_gpu_modeling: if not torch.cuda.is_available(): warnings.warn( f"GPU requested for model {type(model).__name__}, but no GPU found! Using CPU instead.", UserWarning, ) self.model_device = torch.device("cpu") else: self.model_device = torch.device("cuda")"Using GPU for modeling with {type(model).__name__}") else: self.model_device = torch.device("cpu") if use_gpu_generating: if model is None: warnings.warn( f"GPU requested for generator {type(generator).__name__} but this generator has no model to move to GPU. Using CPU instead.", UserWarning, ) self.generator_device = torch.device("cpu") else: if not torch.cuda.is_available(): warnings.warn( f"GPU requested for generator {type(generator).__name__}, but no GPU found! Using CPU instead.", UserWarning, ) self.generator_device = torch.device("cpu") else: self.generator_device = torch.device("cuda") f"Using GPU for generating with {type(generator).__name__}" ) else: self.generator_device = torch.device("cpu") self.run_indefinitely = run_indefinitely, self.ub, self.dim = _process_bounds(lb, ub, dim) self.min_total_outcome_occurrences = min_total_outcome_occurrences self.max_asks = max_asks or generator.max_asks self.keep_most_recent = keep_most_recent self.transforms = transforms if self.transforms is not None: = self.transforms.transform([0] self.ub = self.transforms.transform(self.ub.unsqueeze(0))[0] self.min_post_range = min_post_range if self.min_post_range is not None: assert model is not None, "min_post_range must be None if model is None!" self.eval_grid = make_scaled_sobol(, ub=self.ub, size=self._n_eval_points ) # this grid needs to be in untransformed space because it goes through a # transform wrapped model if self.transforms is not None: self.eval_grid = self.transforms.untransform(self.eval_grid) # similar to ub/lb/grid, x is in raw parameter space self.x: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None self.y: Optional[torch.Tensor] = None self.n: int = 0 self.min_asks = min_asks self._count = 0 self.min_total_tells = min_total_tells self.stimuli_per_trial = stimuli_per_trial self.outcome_types = outcome_types if self.stimuli_per_trial == 1: self.event_shape: Tuple[int, ...] = (self.dim,) if self.stimuli_per_trial > 1: self.event_shape = (self.dim, self.stimuli_per_trial) self.model = model self.refit_every = refit_every self._model_is_fresh = False self.generator = generator self.has_model = self.model is not None if self.generator._requires_model: assert self.model is not None, f"{self.generator} requires a model!" if self.min_asks == self.min_total_tells == 0: warnings.warn( "strategy.min_asks == strategy.min_total_tells == 0. This strategy will not generate any points!", UserWarning, ) = name self.bounds = torch.stack([, self.ub])
[docs] def normalize_inputs( self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor ) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, int]: """converts inputs into normalized format for this strategy Args: x (torch.Tensor): training inputs y (torch.Tensor): training outputs Returns: x (torch.Tensor): training inputs, normalized y (torch.Tensor): training outputs, normalized n (int): number of observations """ assert ( x.shape == self.event_shape or x.shape[1:] == self.event_shape ), f"x shape should be {self.event_shape} or batch x {self.event_shape}, instead got {x.shape}" # Handle scalar y values if y.ndim == 0: y = y.unsqueeze(0) if x.shape == self.event_shape: x = x[None, :] if self.x is not None: x =, x), dim=0) if self.y is not None: y =, y), dim=0) # Ensure the correct dtype x = y = n = y.shape[0] return x, y, n
@ensure_model_is_fresh def gen(self, num_points: int = 1, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: """Query next point(s) to run by optimizing the acquisition function. Args: num_points (int): Number of points to query. Defaults to 1. Other arguments are forwared to underlying model. **kwargs: Kwargs to send to pass to the underlying generator. Returns: torch.Tensor: Next set of point(s) to evaluate, [num_points x dim]. """ original_device = None if self.model is not None and self.generator_device.type == "cuda": original_device = self.model.device # type: ignore self._count = self._count + num_points points = self.generator.gen(num_points, self.model, **kwargs) if original_device is not None: # type: ignore return points @ensure_model_is_fresh def get_max( self, constraints: Optional[Mapping[int, float]] = None, probability_space: bool = False, max_time: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Tuple[float, torch.Tensor]: """Return the maximum of the modeled function, subject to constraints Args: constraints (Mapping[int, float], optional): Which parameters to fix at specfic points. Defaults to None. probability_space (bool): Whether to return the max in probability space. Defaults to False. max_time (float, optional): Maximum time to run the optimization. Defaults to None. Returns: Tuple[float, torch.Tensor]: Tuple containing the max and its location (argmax). """ assert ( self.model is not None ), "model is None! Cannot get the max without a model!" val, arg = get_max( self.model, self.bounds, locked_dims=constraints, probability_space=probability_space, max_time=max_time, ) return val, arg @ensure_model_is_fresh def get_min( self, constraints: Optional[Mapping[int, float]] = None, probability_space: bool = False, max_time: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Tuple[float, torch.Tensor]: """Return the minimum of the modeled function, subject to constraints Args: constraints (Mapping[int, float], optional): Which parameters to fix at specific points. Defaults to None. probability_space (bool): Whether to return the min in probability space. Defaults to False. max_time (float, optional): Maximum time to run the optimization. Defaults to None. """ assert ( self.model is not None ), "model is None! Cannot get the min without a model!" val, arg = get_min( self.model, self.bounds, locked_dims=constraints, probability_space=probability_space, max_time=max_time, ) return val, arg @ensure_model_is_fresh def inv_query( self, y: int, constraints: Optional[Mapping[int, float]] = None, probability_space: bool = False, max_time: Optional[float] = None, ) -> Tuple[float, torch.Tensor]: """Get the input that corresponds to a given output value. Args: y (int): The output value. constraints (Mapping[int, List[float]], optional): Which parameters to fix at specific points. Defaults to None. probability_space (bool): Whether to return the input in probability space. Defaults to False. max_time (float, optional): Maximum time to run the optimization. Defaults to None. Returns: Tuple[float, torch.Tensor]: The input that corresponds to the given output value and the corresponding output. """ assert ( self.model is not None ), "model is None! Cannot get the inv_query without a model!" val, arg = inv_query( model=self.model, y=y, bounds=self.bounds, locked_dims=constraints, probability_space=probability_space, max_time=max_time, ) return val, arg @ensure_model_is_fresh def predict(self, x: torch.Tensor, probability_space: bool = False) -> torch.Tensor: """Predict the output value(s) for the given input(s). Args: x (torch.Tensor): The input value(s). probability_space (bool): Whether to return the output in probability space. Defaults to False. Returns: torch.Tensor: The predicted output value(s). """ assert self.model is not None, "model is None! Cannot predict without a model!" return self.model.predict(x=x, probability_space=probability_space) @ensure_model_is_fresh def get_jnd( self, *args, **kwargs ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]: """Get the just-noticeable difference (JND) for the given input(s). Returns: Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]]: The JND value(s). """ assert ( self.model is not None ), "model is None! Cannot get the get jnd without a model!" return get_jnd( # type: ignore model=self.model,, ub=self.ub, dim=self.dim, *args, **kwargs ) @ensure_model_is_fresh def sample( self, x: torch.Tensor, num_samples: Optional[int] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: """Sample the output value(s) for the given input(s). Args: x (torch.Tensor): The input value(s). num_samples (int, optional): The number of samples to generate. Defaults to None. Returns: torch.Tensor: The sampled output value(s). """ assert self.model is not None, "model is None! Cannot sample without a model!" return self.model.sample(x, num_samples=num_samples)
[docs] def finish(self) -> None: """Finish the strategy.""" self.is_finished = True
@property def finished(self) -> bool: """Check if the strategy is finished. Returns: bool: True if the strategy is finished, False otherwise. """ if self.is_finished: return True if self.run_indefinitely: return False if self.y is None: # always need some data before switching strats return False if self.max_asks is not None and self._count >= self.max_asks: return True if hasattr(self.generator, "finished"): # defer to generator if possible return self.generator.finished if "binary" in self.outcome_types: n_yes_trials = (self.y == 1).sum() n_no_trials = (self.y == 0).sum() sufficient_outcomes = bool( (n_yes_trials >= self.min_total_outcome_occurrences).item() and (n_no_trials >= self.min_total_outcome_occurrences).item() ) else: sufficient_outcomes = True if self.min_post_range is not None: assert ( self.model is not None ), "model is None! Cannot predict without a model!" fmean, _ = self.model.predict(self.eval_grid, probability_space=True) meets_post_range = ( (fmean.max() - fmean.min()) >= self.min_post_range ).item() else: meets_post_range = True finished = ( self._count >= self.min_asks and self.n >= self.min_total_tells and sufficient_outcomes and meets_post_range ) return finished @property def can_fit(self) -> bool: """Check if the strategy can be fitted. Returns: bool: True if the strategy can be fitted, False otherwise. """ return self.has_model and self.x is not None and self.y is not None @property def n_trials(self) -> int: """Get the number of trials. Returns: int: The number of trials. """ warnings.warn( "'n_trials' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Specify 'min_asks' instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) return self.min_asks
[docs] def pre_warm_model(self, x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> None: """ Adds new data points to the strategy, and normalizes the inputs. We speceifically disregard the n return value of normalize_inputs here in order to stop warm start data from affecting the trials run length. Args: x torch.Tensor: The input data points. y torch.Tensor: The output data points. """ # warming the model shouldn't affect strategy.n self.x, self.y, n = self.normalize_inputs(x, y) self._model_is_fresh = False
[docs] def add_data( self, x: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor], y: Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor] ) -> None: """ Adds new data points to the strategy, and normalizes the inputs. Args: x (Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): The input data points. Can be a PyTorch tensor or NumPy array. y (Union[np.ndarray, torch.Tensor]): The output data points. Can be a PyTorch tensor or NumPy array. """ # Necessary as sometimes the data is passed in as numpy arrays or torch tensors. if not isinstance(y, torch.Tensor): y = torch.tensor(y, dtype=torch.float64) if not isinstance(x, torch.Tensor): x = torch.tensor(x, dtype=torch.float64) self.x, self.y, self.n = self.normalize_inputs(x, y) self._model_is_fresh = False
[docs] def fit(self) -> None: """Fit the model.""" if self.can_fit: # type: ignore if self.keep_most_recent is not None: try: # type: ignore self.x[-self.keep_most_recent :], # type: ignore self.y[-self.keep_most_recent :], # type: ignore ) except ModelFittingError: logger.warning( "Failed to fit model! Predictions may not be accurate!" ) else: try:, self.y) # type: ignore except ModelFittingError: logger.warning( "Failed to fit model! Predictions may not be accurate!" ) else: warnings.warn("Cannot fit: no model has been initialized!", RuntimeWarning)
[docs] def update(self) -> None: """Update the model.""" if self.can_fit: # type: ignore if self.keep_most_recent is not None: try: self.model.update( # type: ignore self.x[-self.keep_most_recent :], # type: ignore self.y[-self.keep_most_recent :], # type: ignore ) except ModelFittingError: logger.warning( "Failed to fit model! Predictions may not be accurate!" ) else: try: self.model.update(self.x, self.y) # type: ignore except ModelFittingError: logger.warning( "Failed to fit model! Predictions may not be accurate!" ) else: warnings.warn("Cannot fit: no model has been initialized!", RuntimeWarning)
[docs] @classmethod def from_config(cls, config: Config, name: str) -> Strategy: """Create a strategy object from a configuration object. Args: config (Config): The configuration object. name (str): The name of the strategy. Returns: Strategy: The strategy object. """ lb = config.gettensor(name, "lb") ub = config.gettensor(name, "ub") dim = config.getint(name, "dim", fallback=None) transforms = ParameterTransforms.from_config(config) stimuli_per_trial = config.getint(name, "stimuli_per_trial", fallback=1) outcome_types = config.getlist(name, "outcome_types", element_type=str) generator = ParameterTransformedGenerator.from_config( config, name, options={"transforms": transforms} ) use_gpu_generating = config.getboolean( generator._base_obj.__class__.__name__, "use_gpu", fallback=False ) model_cls = config.getobj(name, "model", fallback=None) if model_cls is not None: model = ParameterTransformedModel.from_config( config, name, options={"transforms": transforms} ) use_gpu_modeling = config.getboolean( model._base_obj.__class__.__name__, "use_gpu", fallback=False ) if use_gpu_modeling: model.cuda() else: model = None use_gpu_modeling = False # Handles if acqf is not in the generator but strategy block, otherwise, above handles it acqf_cls = config.getobj(name, "acqf", fallback=None) if acqf_cls is not None and hasattr(generator, "acqf"): if generator.acqf is None: generator.acqf = acqf_cls generator.acqf_kwargs = generator._get_acqf_options(acqf_cls, config) min_asks = config.getint(name, "min_asks", fallback=0) min_total_tells = config.getint(name, "min_total_tells", fallback=0) refit_every = config.getint(name, "refit_every", fallback=1) if model is not None and not generator._requires_model: if refit_every < min_asks: warnings.warn( f"Strategy '{name}' has refit_every < min_asks even though its generator does not require a model. Consider making refit_every = min_asks to speed up point generation.", UserWarning, ) keep_most_recent = config.getint(name, "keep_most_recent", fallback=None) min_total_outcome_occurrences = config.getint( name, "min_total_outcome_occurrences", fallback=1 if "binary" in outcome_types else 0, ) min_post_range = config.getfloat(name, "min_post_range", fallback=None) keep_most_recent = config.getint(name, "keep_most_recent", fallback=None) n_trials = config.getint(name, "n_trials", fallback=None) if n_trials is not None: warnings.warn( "'n_trials' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Specify 'min_asks' instead.", DeprecationWarning, ) min_asks = n_trials return cls( lb=lb, ub=ub, stimuli_per_trial=stimuli_per_trial, outcome_types=outcome_types, dim=dim, transforms=transforms, model=model, # type: ignore use_gpu_modeling=use_gpu_modeling, use_gpu_generating=use_gpu_generating, generator=generator, min_asks=min_asks, refit_every=refit_every, min_total_outcome_occurrences=min_total_outcome_occurrences, min_post_range=min_post_range, keep_most_recent=keep_most_recent, min_total_tells=min_total_tells, name=name, )