Source code for aepsych.transforms.parameters

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Meta, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.

# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

import ast
import warnings
from abc import ABC
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import (

import numpy as np
import torch
from aepsych.config import Config, ConfigurableMixin
from aepsych.generators.base import AEPsychGenerator
from aepsych.models.base import AEPsychMixin, ModelProtocol
from aepsych.transforms.ops import Fixed, Log10Plus, NormalizeScale, Round
from aepsych.transforms.ops.base import Transform
from aepsych.utils import get_bounds
from botorch.acquisition import AcquisitionFunction
from botorch.models.transforms.input import ChainedInputTransform
from botorch.posteriors import Posterior


[docs]class ParameterTransforms(ChainedInputTransform, ConfigurableMixin): """ Holds set of transformations to be applied to parameters. The ParameterTransform objects can be used by themselves to transform values or can be passed to Generator or Model wrappers to consistently transform parameters. ParameterTransforms can transform values into transformed space and also untransform values from transformed space back into raw space. """ def __init__( self, **transforms: Transform, ) -> None: fixed_values = [] fixed_indices = [] fixed_string_map = {} transform_keys = list(transforms.keys()) for key in transform_keys: if isinstance(transforms[key], Fixed): transform = transforms.pop(key) fixed_values += transform.values.tolist() fixed_indices += transform.indices.tolist() if transform.string_map is not None: for key in transform.string_map.keys(): if key in fixed_string_map: raise RuntimeError( "Conflicting string maps between the Fixed transforms, each parameter can only have a single string map." ) fixed_string_map.update(transform.string_map) if len(fixed_values) > 0: # Combine Fixed parameters transforms["_CombinedFixed"] = Fixed( indices=fixed_indices, values=fixed_values, string_map=fixed_string_map ) super().__init__(**transforms) def _temporary_reshape(func: Callable) -> Callable: # Decorator to reshape tensors to the expected 2D shape, even if the input was # 1D or 3D and after the transform reshape it back to the original. def wrapper( self, X: Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray], **kwargs ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, np.ndarray]: squeeze = False if len(X.shape) == 1: # For 1D inputs, primarily for transforming arguments if isinstance(X, torch.Tensor): X = X.unsqueeze(0) elif isinstance( X, np.ndarray ): # Annoyingly numpy uses a different name for unsqueeze X = np.expand_dims(X, axis=0) squeeze = True reshape = False if len(X.shape) > 2: # For multi stimuli experiments batch, dim, stim = X.shape X = X.swapaxes(-2, -1).reshape(-1, dim) reshape = True X = func(self, X, **kwargs) if reshape: X = X.reshape(batch, stim, -1).swapaxes(-1, -2) if squeeze: # Not actually squeeze since we still want one dim X = X[0] return X return wrapper
[docs] @_temporary_reshape def transform(self, X: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Transform the inputs to a model. Individual transforms are applied in sequence. Args: X (torch.Tensor): A tensor of inputs. Either `[dim]`, `[batch, dim]`, or `[batch, dim, stimuli]`. Returns: torch.Tensor: A tensor of transformed inputs with the same shape as the input. """ return super().transform(X)
[docs] @_temporary_reshape def untransform(self, X: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Un-transform the inputs to a model. Un-transforms of the individual transforms are applied in reverse sequence. Args: X (torch.Tensor): A tensor of inputs. Either `[dim]`, `[batch, dim]`, or `[batch, dim, stimuli]`. Returns: torch.Tensor: A `batch_shape x n x d`-dim tensor of un-transformed inputs. """ return super().untransform(X)
[docs] @_temporary_reshape def transform_bounds( self, X: torch.Tensor, bound: Optional[Literal["lb", "ub"]] = None ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Transform bounds of a parameter. Individual transforms are applied in sequence. Then an adjustment is applied to ensure the bounds are correct. Args: X (torch.Tensor): A tensor of inputs. Either `[dim]` or `[2, dim]`. bound: (Literal["lb", "ub"], optional): Which bound this is when transforming. If not set, assumes both bounds are given at once Returns: torch.Tensor: Tensor of the same shape as the input transformed. """ for tf in self.values(): X = tf.transform_bounds(X, bound=bound) return X
[docs] @_temporary_reshape def indices_to_str(self, X: torch.Tensor) -> np.ndarray: r"""Return a NumPy array of objects where the categorical parameters will be strings. Args: X (torch.Tensor): A tensor shaped `[batch, dim]` to turn into a mixed type NumPy array. Returns: np.ndarray: An array with the objet type where the categorical parameters are strings. """ obj_arr = X.cpu().numpy().astype("O") for tf in self.values(): if hasattr(tf, "indices_to_str"): obj_arr = tf.indices_to_str(obj_arr) return obj_arr
[docs] @_temporary_reshape def str_to_indices(self, obj_arr: np.ndarray) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Return a Tensor where the categorical parameters are converted from strings to indices. Args: obj_arr (np.ndarray): A NumPy array `[batch, dim]` where the categorical parameters are strings. Returns: torch.Tensor: A tensor with the categorical parameters converted to indices. """ obj_arr = obj_arr[:] for tf in self.values(): if hasattr(tf, "str_to_indices"): obj_arr = tf.str_to_indices(obj_arr) return torch.tensor(obj_arr.astype("float64"), dtype=torch.float64)
[docs] @classmethod def get_config_options( cls, config: Config, name: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return a dictionary of transforms in the order that they should be in, this dictionary can be used to initialize a ParameterTransforms. Args: config (Config): Config to look for options in. name (str, optional): Name is ignored as transforms for all parameters will be made. Maintained for API conformity. options (Dict[str, Any], optional): options is ignored as all transforms will be reinitialized to ensure it is in the right order. To create transforms in an arbitrary order, initialize from the __init__. Return: Dict[str, Any]: A dictionary of transforms to initialize this class. """ if options is not None: warnings.warn( "options argument is set but we will ignore it to create an entirely new options dictionary to ensure transforms are applied in the right order." ) transform_options = {} transform_options["bounds"] = get_bounds(config) parnames = config.getlist("common", "parnames", element_type=str) # This is the "options" dictionary, transform options is only for maintaining the right transforms transform_dict: Dict[str, ChainedInputTransform] = {} for par in parnames: # This is the order that transforms are potentially applied, order matters try: par_type = config[par]["par_type"] except KeyError: # Probably because par doesn't have its own section par_type = "continuous" # Integer or binary variable if par_type in ["integer", "binary"]: round = Round.from_config( config=config, name=par, options=transform_options ) # Transform bounds transform_options["bounds"] = round.transform_bounds( transform_options["bounds"] ) transform_dict[f"{par}_Round"] = round if par_type == "fixed": fixed = Fixed.from_config( config=config, name=par, options=transform_options ) # We don't mess with bounds since we don't want to modify indices transform_dict[f"{par}_Fixed"] = fixed # Log scale if config.getboolean(par, "log_scale", fallback=False): log10 = Log10Plus.from_config( config=config, name=par, options=transform_options ) # Transform bounds transform_options["bounds"] = log10.transform( transform_options["bounds"] ) transform_dict[f"{par}_Log10Plus"] = log10 # Normalize scale (defaults true) if config.getboolean( par, "normalize_scale", fallback=True ) and par_type not in ["binary", "fixed"]: normalize = NormalizeScale.from_config( config=config, name=par, options=transform_options ) # Transform bounds transform_options["bounds"] = normalize.transform( transform_options["bounds"] ) transform_dict[f"{par}_NormalizeScale"] = normalize return transform_dict
[docs]class ParameterTransformWrapper(ABC): """ Abstract base class for parameter transform wrappers. __getattr__ is overridden to allow base object attributes to be surfaced smoothly. Methods that require the transforms should be overridden in the wrapper class to apply the transform operations. """ transforms: ChainedInputTransform _base_obj: object = None def __getattr__(self, name): return getattr(self._base_obj, name)
[docs]class ParameterTransformedGenerator(ParameterTransformWrapper, ConfigurableMixin): """ Wraps a generator such that parameter inputs are transformed and generated parameters are untransformed back to the raw parameter space. """ _base_obj: AEPsychGenerator def __init__( self, generator: Union[Type, AEPsychGenerator], transforms: ChainedInputTransform = ChainedInputTransform(**{}), **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: r"""Wraps a Generator with parameter transforms. This will transform any relevant generator arguments (e.g., bounds) to be transformed into the transformed space and ensure all generator outputs to be untransformed into raw space. The wrapper surfaces critical components of the API of the generator such that the wrapper can be used much like the raw generator. Bounds are returned in the transformed space, this is necessary to handle parameters that would not have sensible raw parameter space. If bounds are manually set (e.g., `Wrapper(**kwargs).lb = lb)`, ensure that they are correctly transformed and in a correctly shaped Tensor. If the bounds are being set in init (e.g., `Wrapper(Type, lb=lb, ub=ub)`, `lb` and `ub` should be in the raw parameter space. The object's name will be ParameterTransformed<Generator.__name__>. Args: model (Type | AEPsychGenerator): Generator to wrap, this could either be a completely initialized generator or just the generator class. An initialized generator is expected to have been initialized in the transformed parameter space (i.e., bounds are transformed). If a generator class is passed, **kwargs will be used to initialize the generator, note that the bounds are expected to be in raw parameter space, thus the transforms are applied to it. transforms (ChainedInputTransform, optional): A set of transforms to apply to parameters of this generator. If no transforms are passed, it will default to an identity transform. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the model to initialize it if model is a class. """ # Figure out what we need to do with generator if isinstance(generator, type): if "lb" in kwargs: kwargs["lb"] = transforms.transform(kwargs["lb"].to(torch.float64)) if "ub" in kwargs: kwargs["ub"] = transforms.transform(kwargs["ub"].to(torch.float64)) _base_obj = generator(**kwargs) else: _base_obj = generator self._base_obj = _base_obj self.transforms = transforms # This lets us emit we're the class we're wrapping self.__class__ = type( f"ParameterTransformed{_base_obj.__class__.__name__}", (self.__class__, _base_obj.__class__), {}, ) # Copy all of the class attributes with defaults from _base_obj # and don't just let it use AEPsychGenerator defaults self._requires_model = self._base_obj._requires_model self.stimuli_per_trial = self._base_obj.stimuli_per_trial self.max_asks = self._base_obj.max_asks
[docs] def gen( self, num_points: int = 1, model: Optional[AEPsychMixin] = None, fixed_features: Optional[Dict[int, float]] = None, **kwargs, ) -> torch.Tensor: r"""Query next point(s) to run from the generator and return them untransformed. Args: num_points (int): Number of points to query, defaults to 1. model (AEPsychMixin, optional): The model to use to generate points, can be None if no model is needed. fixed_features: (Dict[int, float], optional): Parameters that are fixed to specific values. **kwargs: Kwargs to pass to the generator's generator. Returns: torch.Tensor: Next set of point(s) to evaluate, `[num_points x dim]` or `[num_points x dim x stimuli_per_trial]` if `self.stimuli_per_trial != 1`, which will be untransformed. """ transformed_fixed = {} if fixed_features is not None: dummy = torch.zeros([1, self._base_obj.dim]) for key, value in fixed_features.items(): dummy[:, key] = value dummy = self.transforms.transform(dummy) for key in fixed_features.keys(): transformed_fixed[key] = dummy[0, key].item() x = self._base_obj.gen( num_points, model, fixed_features=transformed_fixed, **kwargs ) return self.transforms.untransform(x)
def _get_acqf_options(self, acqf: AcquisitionFunction, config: Config): return self._base_obj._get_acqf_options(acqf, config) @property def acqf(self) -> AcquisitionFunction | None: return self._base_obj.acqf @acqf.setter def acqf(self, value: AcquisitionFunction): self._base_obj.acqf = value @property def acqf_kwargs(self) -> dict | None: return self._base_obj.acqf_kwargs @acqf_kwargs.setter def acqf_kwargs(self, value: dict): self._base_obj.acqf_kwargs = value @property def training(self) -> bool: # Check if generator has it first try: return # type: ignore except AttributeError: warnings.warn( f"{self._base_obj.__class__.__name__} has no attribute 'training', returning transforms' `training`" ) return
[docs] def train(self): """Set transforms to train mode and attempts to set the underlying generator to train as well.""" self.transforms.train() try: self._base_obj.train() except AttributeError: warnings.warn( f"{self._base_obj.__class__.__name__} has no attribute 'train'" )
[docs] def eval(self): """Set transforms to eval mode and attempts to set the underlying generator to eval as well.""" self.transforms.eval() try: self._base_obj.eval() except AttributeError: warnings.warn( f"{self._base_obj.__class__.__name__} has no attribute 'eval'" )
[docs] @classmethod def get_config_options( cls, config: Config, name: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Return a dictionary of the relevant options to initialize a generator wrapped with a parameter transform. Args: config (Config): Config to look for options in. name (str, optional): Strategy to look for the Generator and find options for. options (Dict[str, Any], optional): Options to override from the config. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: A diciontary of options to initialize this class with. """ if options is None: options = {} options["transforms"] = ParameterTransforms.from_config(config) else: # Check if there's a transform already if so save it to it persists over copying if "transforms" in options: transforms = options["transforms"] else: transforms = ParameterTransforms.from_config(config) options = deepcopy(options) options["transforms"] = transforms if name is None: raise ValueError("name of strategy must be set to initialize a generator") else: gen_cls = config.getobj(name, "generator") # Transform config transformed_config = transform_options(config, options["transforms"]) options["generator"] = gen_cls.from_config(transformed_config) return options
[docs]class ParameterTransformedModel(ParameterTransformWrapper, ConfigurableMixin): """ Wraps a model such that it can work entirely in transformed space by transforming all parameter inputs (e.g., training data) to the model. This wrapper also untransforms any outputs from the model back to raw parameter space. """ _base_obj: ModelProtocol def __init__( self, model: Union[Type, ModelProtocol], transforms: ChainedInputTransform = ChainedInputTransform(**{}), **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Wraps a Model with parameter transforms. This will transform any relevant model arguments (e.g., bounds) and model data (e.g., training data, x) to be transformed into the transformed space. The wrapper surfaces the API of the raw model such that the wrapper can be used like a raw model. Bounds are returned in the transformed space, this is necessary to handle parameters that would not have sensible raw parameter space. If bounds are manually set (e.g., `Wrapper(**kwargs).lb = lb)`, ensure that they are correctly transformed and in a correctly shaped Tensor. If the bounds are being set in init (e.g., `Wrapper(Type, lb=lb, ub=ub)`, `lb` and `ub` should be in the raw parameter space. The object's name will be ParameterTransformed<Model.__name__>. Args: model (Union[Type, ModelProtocol]): Model to wrap, this could either be a completely initialized model or just the model class. An initialized model is expected to have been initialized in the transformed parameter space (i.e., bounds are transformed). If a model class is passed, **kwargs will be used to initialize the model. Note that the bounds in this case are expected to be in raw parameter space, thus the transforms are applied to it. transforms (ChainedInputTransform, optional): A set of transforms to apply to parameters of this model. If no transforms are passed, it will default to an identity transform. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to be passed to the model if the model is a class. """ # Alternative instantiation method for analysis (and not live) if isinstance(model, type): _base_obj = model(**kwargs) else: _base_obj = model self._base_obj = _base_obj self.transforms = transforms # This lets us emit we're the class we're wrapping self.__class__ = type( f"ParameterTransformed{_base_obj.__class__.__name__}", (self.__class__, _base_obj.__class__), {}, ) @staticmethod def _promote_1d(func: Callable) -> Callable: # Decorator to reshape model Xs into 2d if they're 1d. Assumes that the Tensor # is the first argument def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs) -> torch.Tensor: if len(args) > 0 and isinstance(args[0], torch.Tensor): x = args[0] if len(x.shape) == 1: x = x.unsqueeze(-1) return func(self, x, *args[1:], **kwargs) else: key, value = list(kwargs.items())[0] if isinstance(value, torch.Tensor) and len(value.shape) == 1: kwargs[key] = value.unsqueeze(-1) return func(self, **kwargs) return wrapper
[docs] @_promote_1d def predict( self, x: torch.Tensor, **kwargs ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor]]: """Query the model on its posterior given transformed x. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Points at which to predict from the model, which will be transformed. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the model.predict() call. Returns: Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor]]: At least one Tensor will be returned. """ x = self.transforms.transform(x) return self._base_obj.predict(x, **kwargs)
[docs] @_promote_1d def predict_probability( self, x: torch.Tensor, **kwargs ) -> Union[torch.Tensor, Tuple[torch.Tensor]]: """Query the model on its posterior given transformed x and return units in response probability space. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Points at which to predict from the model, which will be transformed. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the model.predict() call. Returns: Union[Tensor, Tuple[Tensor]]: At least one Tensor will be returned. """ x = self.transforms.transform(x) return self._base_obj.predict_probability(x, **kwargs)
[docs] @_promote_1d def sample(self, x: torch.Tensor, num_samples: int) -> torch.Tensor: """Sample from underlying model given transformed x. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Points at which to sample, which will be transformed. num_samples (int): Number of samples to return. Returns: torch.Tensor: Posterior samples [num_samples x dim] """ x = self.transforms.transform(x) return self._base_obj.sample(x, num_samples)
[docs] def posterior(self, X: torch.Tensor, **kwargs) -> Posterior: """Return the model's posterior given a transformed X. Notice that this specific method requires transformed inputs. Args: X (torch.Tensor): The points to evaluate, which will be transformed. **kwargs: The keyword arguments to pass to the underlying model's posterior method. Returns: Posterior: The posterior of the model. """ # This ensures X is a tensor with the right shape and dtype (this seemingly # does nothing, but it somehow solves test errors). X = torch.Tensor(X) return self._base_obj.posterior(X=X, **kwargs)
[docs] @_promote_1d def fit(self, train_x: torch.Tensor, train_y: torch.Tensor, **kwargs) -> None: """Fit underlying model. Args: train_x (torch.Tensor): Inputs to fit on. train_y (torch.Tensor): Responses to fit on. warmstart_hyperparams (bool): Whether to reuse the previous hyperparameters (True) or fit from scratch (False). Defaults to False. warmstart_induc (bool): Whether to reuse the previous inducing points or fit from scratch (False). Defaults to False. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the underlying model's fit method. """ train_x = self.transforms.transform(train_x), train_y, **kwargs)
[docs] @_promote_1d def update(self, train_x: torch.Tensor, train_y: torch.Tensor, **kwargs) -> None: """Perform a warm-start update of the model from previous fit. Args: train_x (torch.Tensor): Inputs to fit on. train_y (torch.Tensor): Responses to fit on. **kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to the underlying model's fit method. """ train_x = self.transforms.transform(train_x) self._base_obj.update(train_x, train_y, **kwargs)
[docs] def p_below_threshold( self, x: torch.Tensor, f_thresh: torch.Tensor ) -> torch.Tensor: """Compute the probability that the latent function is below a threshold. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Points at which to evaluate the probability. f_thresh (torch.Tensor): Threshold value. Returns: torch.Tensor: Probability that the latent function is below the threshold. """ x = self.transforms.transform(x) return self._base_obj.p_below_threshold(x, f_thresh)
@property def training(self) -> bool: # Check if model has it first try: return # type: ignore except AttributeError: warnings.warn( f"{self._base_obj.__class__.__name__} has no attribute 'training', returning transforms' 'training'" ) return
[docs] def train(self): """Set transforms to train mode and attempts to set the underlying model to train as well.""" self.transforms.train() try: self._base_obj.train() except AttributeError: warnings.warn( f"{self._base_obj.__class__.__name__} has no attribute 'train'" )
[docs] def eval(self): """Set transforms to eval mode and attempts to set the underlying model to eval as well.""" self.transforms.eval() try: self._base_obj.eval() except AttributeError: warnings.warn( f"{self._base_obj.__class__.__name__} has no attribute 'eval'" )
[docs] @classmethod def get_config_options( cls, config: Config, name: Optional[str] = None, options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Return a dictionary of the relevant options to initialize a model wrapped with a parameter transform Args: config (Config): Config to look for options in. name (str, optional): Strategy to find options for. options (Dict[str, Any], optional): Options to override from the config. Returns: Dict[str, Any]: A diciontary of options to initialize this class with. """ if options is None: options = {} options["transforms"] = ParameterTransforms.from_config(config) else: # Check if there's a transform already if so save it to it persists over copying if "transforms" in options: transforms = options["transforms"] else: transforms = ParameterTransforms.from_config(config) options = deepcopy(options) options["transforms"] = transforms if name is None: raise ValueError("name of strategy must be set to initialize a model") else: model_cls = config.getobj(name, "model") # Transform config transformed_config = transform_options(config, options["transforms"]) options["model"] = model_cls.from_config(transformed_config) return options
[docs]def transform_options( config: Config, transforms: Optional[ChainedInputTransform] = None ) -> Config: """Return a copy of the config with the options transformed. Args: config (Config): The config to be transformed. Returns: Config: A copy of the original config with relevant options transformed. """ if transforms is None: transforms = ParameterTransforms.from_config(config) configClone = deepcopy(config) # Can't use self.sections() to avoid default section behavior for section, options in config.to_dict().items(): for option, value in options.items(): if option in _TRANSFORMABLE: value = ast.literal_eval(value) value = np.array(value, dtype=float) value = torch.tensor(value).to(torch.float64) if option in ["ub", "lb"]: value = transforms.transform_bounds(value, bound=option) elif option == "points" and len(value.shape) == 3: value = value.swapaxes(-2, -1) value = transforms.transform(value) value = value.swapaxes(-1, -2) elif option == "window": # Get proportion of range covered in raw space raw_lb = config.gettensor("common", "lb") raw_ub = config.gettensor("common", "ub") raw_range = raw_ub - raw_lb window_prop = (value * 2) / raw_range # Calculate transformed range transformed_lb = transforms.transform_bounds(raw_lb, bound="lb") transformed_ub = transforms.transform_bounds(raw_ub, bound="ub") transformed_range = transformed_ub - transformed_lb # Transformed window covers the same proportion of range value = window_prop * transformed_range / 2 else: value = transforms.transform(value) def _arr_to_list(iter): if hasattr(iter, "__iter__"): iter = list(iter) iter = [_arr_to_list(element) for element in iter] return iter return iter # Recursively turn back into str configClone[section][option] = str(_arr_to_list(value.numpy())) return configClone