Source code for aepsych.utils

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright (c) Facebook, Inc. and its affiliates.
# All rights reserved.

# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.

from import Iterable
from configparser import NoOptionError
from typing import Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple

import numpy as np
import torch
from scipy.stats import norm
from torch.quasirandom import SobolEngine

[docs]def make_scaled_sobol(lb, ub, size, seed=None): lb, ub, ndim = _process_bounds(lb, ub, None) grid = SobolEngine(dimension=ndim, scramble=True, seed=seed).draw(size) # rescale from [0,1] to [lb, ub] grid = lb + (ub - lb) * grid return grid
[docs]def promote_0d(x): if not isinstance(x, Iterable): return [x] return x
[docs]def dim_grid( lower: torch.Tensor, upper: torch.Tensor, gridsize: int = 30, slice_dims: Optional[Mapping[int, float]] = None, ) -> torch.Tensor: """Create a grid Create a grid based on lower, upper, and dim. Parameters ---------- - lower ('int') - lower bound - upper ('int') - upper bound - dim ('int) - dimension - gridsize ('int') - size for grid - slice_dims (Optional, dict) - values to use for slicing axes, as an {index:value} dict Returns ---------- grid : torch.FloatTensor Tensor """ slice_dims = slice_dims or {} lower, upper, dim = _process_bounds(lower, upper, None) mesh_vals = [] for i in range(dim): if i in slice_dims.keys(): mesh_vals.append(slice(slice_dims[i] - 1e-10, slice_dims[i] + 1e-10, 1)) else: mesh_vals.append(slice(lower[i].item(), upper[i].item(), gridsize * 1j)) return torch.Tensor(np.mgrid[mesh_vals].reshape(dim, -1).T)
def _process_bounds(lb, ub, dim) -> Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor, int]: """Helper function for ensuring bounds are correct shape and type.""" lb = promote_0d(lb) ub = promote_0d(ub) if not isinstance(lb, torch.Tensor): lb = torch.tensor(lb) if not isinstance(ub, torch.Tensor): ub = torch.tensor(ub) lb = lb.float() ub = ub.float() assert lb.shape[0] == ub.shape[0], "bounds should be of equal shape!" if dim is not None: if lb.shape[0] == 1: lb = lb.repeat(dim) ub = ub.repeat(dim) else: assert lb.shape[0] == dim, "dim does not match shape of bounds!" else: dim = lb.shape[0] for i, (l, u) in enumerate(zip(lb, ub)): assert ( l <= u ), f"Lower bound {l} is not less than or equal to upper bound {u} on dimension {i}!" return lb, ub, dim
[docs]def interpolate_monotonic(x, y, z, min_x=-np.inf, max_x=np.inf): # Ben Letham's 1d interpolation code, assuming monotonicity. # basic idea is find the nearest two points to the LSE and # linearly interpolate between them (I think this is bisection # root-finding) idx = np.searchsorted(y, z) if idx == len(y): return float(max_x) elif idx == 0: return float(min_x) x0 = x[idx - 1] x1 = x[idx] y0 = y[idx - 1] y1 = y[idx] x_star = x0 + (x1 - x0) * (z - y0) / (y1 - y0) return x_star
[docs]def get_lse_interval( model, mono_grid, target_level, cred_level=None, mono_dim=-1, n_samps=500, lb=-np.inf, ub=np.inf, gridsize=30, **kwargs, ): xgrid = torch.Tensor( np.mgrid[ [ slice([i].item(), model.ub[i].item(), gridsize * 1j) for i in range(model.dim) ] ] .reshape(model.dim, -1) .T ) samps = model.sample(xgrid, num_samples=n_samps, **kwargs) samps = [s.reshape((gridsize,) * model.dim) for s in samps.detach().numpy()] contours = np.stack( [ get_lse_contour(norm.cdf(s), mono_grid, target_level, mono_dim, lb, ub) for s in samps ] ) if cred_level is None: return np.mean(contours, 0.5, axis=0) else: alpha = 1 - cred_level qlower = alpha / 2 qupper = 1 - alpha / 2 upper = np.quantile(contours, qupper, axis=0) lower = np.quantile(contours, qlower, axis=0) median = np.quantile(contours, 0.5, axis=0) return median, lower, upper
[docs]def get_lse_contour(post_mean, mono_grid, level, mono_dim=-1, lb=-np.inf, ub=np.inf): return np.apply_along_axis( lambda p: interpolate_monotonic(mono_grid, p, level, lb, ub), mono_dim, post_mean, )
[docs]def get_jnd_1d(post_mean, mono_grid, df=1, mono_dim=-1, lb=-np.inf, ub=np.inf): interpolate_to = post_mean + df return ( np.array( [interpolate_monotonic(mono_grid, post_mean, ito) for ito in interpolate_to] ) - mono_grid )
[docs]def get_jnd_multid(post_mean, mono_grid, df=1, mono_dim=-1, lb=-np.inf, ub=np.inf): return np.apply_along_axis( lambda p: get_jnd_1d(p, mono_grid, df=df, mono_dim=mono_dim, lb=lb, ub=ub), mono_dim, post_mean, )
def _get_ax_parameters(config): range_parnames = config.getlist("common", "parnames", element_type=str, fallback=[]) lb = config.getlist("common", "lb", element_type=float, fallback=[]) ub = config.getlist("common", "ub", element_type=float, fallback=[]) assert ( len(range_parnames) == len(lb) == len(ub) ), f"Length of parnames ({range_parnames}), lb ({lb}), and ub ({ub}) don't match!" range_params = [ { "name": parname, "type": "range", "value_type": config.get(parname, "value_type", fallback="float"), "log_scale": config.getboolean(parname, "log_scale", fallback=False), "bounds": [l, u], } for parname, l, u in zip(range_parnames, lb, ub) ] choice_parnames = config.getlist( "common", "choice_parnames", element_type=str, fallback=[] ) choices = [ config.getlist(parname, "choices", element_type=str, fallback=["True", "False"]) for parname in choice_parnames ] choice_params = [ { "name": parname, "type": "choice", "value_type": config.get(parname, "value_type", fallback="str"), "is_ordered": config.getboolean(parname, "is_ordered", fallback=False), "values": choice, } for parname, choice in zip(choice_parnames, choices) ] fixed_parnames = config.getlist( "common", "fixed_parnames", element_type=str, fallback=[] ) values = [] for parname in fixed_parnames: try: try: value = config.getfloat(parname, "value") except ValueError: value = config.get(parname, "value") values.append(value) except NoOptionError: raise RuntimeError(f"Missing value for fixed parameter {parname}!") fixed_params = [ { "name": parname, "type": "fixed", "value": value, } for parname, value in zip(fixed_parnames, values) ] return range_params, choice_params, fixed_params
[docs]def get_parameters(config) -> List[Dict]: range_params, choice_params, fixed_params = _get_ax_parameters(config) return range_params + choice_params + fixed_params
[docs]def get_bounds(config) -> torch.Tensor: range_params, choice_params, _ = _get_ax_parameters(config) # Need to sum dimensions added by both range and choice parameters bounds = [parm["bounds"] for parm in range_params] for par in choice_params: n_vals = len(par["values"]) if par["is_ordered"]: bounds.append( [0, 1] ) # Ordered choice params are encoded like continuous parameters elif n_vals > 2: for _ in range(n_vals): bounds.append( [0, 1] ) # Choice parameter is one-hot encoded such that they add 1 dim for every choice else: for _ in range(n_vals - 1): bounds.append( [0, 1] ) # Choice parameters with n_choices <= 2 add n_choices - 1 dims return torch.tensor(bounds)
[docs]def get_dim(config) -> int: range_params, choice_params, _ = _get_ax_parameters(config) # Need to sum dimensions added by both range and choice parameters dim = len(range_params) # 1 dim per range parameter for par in choice_params: if par["is_ordered"]: dim += 1 # Ordered choice params are encoded like continuous parameters elif len(par["values"]) > 2: dim += len( par["values"] ) # Choice parameter is one-hot encoded such that they add 1 dim for every choice else: dim += ( len(par["values"]) - 1 ) # Choice parameters with n_choices < 3 add n_choices - 1 dims return dim